That’s how we felt when we left Nashville: nice place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there.
That’s how we felt when we left Nashville: nice place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there.
My dad used to go to the grocery about 4:00am because his PTSD wouldn’t get triggered by too many people. I can’t tell you how many times growing up we’d hear “INCOMING” when something startled him. Thanks, Vietnam!
Our grocery has the bags on a turnstile and they bag as they go (Meijers). I do Shipt shopping and I always put my stuff on the belt in the order I generally want them in the bag: all the cans together, heavy veggies, then light veggies, bread and chips together, frozen/cold stuff, etc.
Root canals eventually lead to crowns, ~$1000. The root (blood, nerve) is what keeps your tooth alive, if you will, and without the root, it eventually gets brittle and breaks. Usually at totally terrible times, like the night before your daughter’s wedding or that bucket list vacation. Nothing is as good as the OEM…
I was thisclose to responding, “How do you not know Ron Burgundy, you philistine!” when I realized what you did there. Well played!
D***. That song. I’ve never heard. It needs to make an immediate comeback into our national consciousness.
Did you have any Don McLean on there, specifically The Grave? That song...destroys me. All I can imagine is the fighting in Vietnam and the horror.
(Also works for waffle irons)
You know there is some law firm out there already revving up this engine.
Good point. I’ve started seeing this on those services that send a box of X stuff every month: clothes, men’s facial products, candles, succulents (!!). Everything is “curated”, which just means someone picked a theme and stuck to it. Pretension!
Have you seen The Dressmaker with him and Kate Winslet? Brilliant, lovely, but warning: sad too.
shriveled ham goblin
It sounds like a mystical job involving a sword and an enchanted boat.
Isn’t she Brazilian?
We had this happen with our male cat too! Very scary. Eventually, we discovered the “stress” was due to his little brother (household of 4 cats) being a knucklehead and just raising everyone’s stress level. We put the Colonel (Colonel Mustard) on a very low dose of basically Kitty Xanax and he has been golden ever…
That begins to explain a lot about the Michigan fan base (Go Green!) ;)
He’s doing this because he’s losing on literally every other front.
Preach, brother. #polarvortex, but still tempted to run outside so I don’t have to do a treadmill.
All I can say is that when I heard that ad, I laughed and laughed and laughed.
So jealous!! Our university doesn’t do this and that whole time between Xmas and NY is a waste of heating/cooling because absolutely nothing gets done!