Oh well done, sir, well done! You win the internet today.
True, tangentially-related story: My husband had open heart surgery two years ago due to an aortic aneurysm. Full on, cut the chest stem-to-stern, open heart surgery (he's fine, it was a genetic issue - it's all good!). Three weeks into his recovery: the flu. Imagine coughing with a still, split sternum.
I can't wait for us to get the chipped cards. We can hardly use our cards at all when we visit Canada now (we live in Michigan so it's close). It's a pain in the keester.
As for the notion of paying cash to fill up, who the hell carries that kind of cash around? I can't think of anyone besides poor people and criminals.
Wow, that's a bummer. Our 2006 Elantra has 175,000 and is a tank. Of course, it's more of a stagecoach at this point since it needs new shocks and struts all around, but hey, 175,000 and only maintenance costs at this point. I'm happy as a clam.
YES!! It's their Purple Cow brand (they changed the name from just the Meijer brand, at least at my store) and it's the Plain yogurt. It's super thick - I LOVE IT. Now, if we could only get them to do it organic, I'd be all set. I really don't like Stoneyfield's full fat yogurt because it is so thin and watery. And…
Store brand soda is the lame.
Having grown up in a Pentecostal church, I remember some teachings about end-time beliefs that Russia is Gog (or Magog, I forget) and that they will specifically invade Israel at some point. Book of Daniel, Revelations, etc.
Dude, al pastor for the win. With onion and cilantro. Mmmm, now I'm drooling.
It could totally be a MST3K!!!
They need to be reminded that Wisdom is still crying out in the marketplace, but no one is listening to Her. Having faith doesn't mean not using the brain God gave you. I always imaging the eyerolls He* must have when He sees some of the decisions that get made in the name of 'faith'.
the Biebs may be the next face of Calvin Klein underwear.
We use something similar called BlueStacks on our laptop so my non-smartphone using husband can play chess apps.
My just-graduated-high-school niece is working at a flower shop in town. She really likes it. Small town, can walk to work. So far, so good. Before that it was Steak-n-Shake for her.
I agree. He doesn't seem to take himself too seriously. Like he's ready to wink at the camera at any time.
So. Curly hair: natural or a perm?
Have you ever had it with a can of tuna fish in it? That's some seriously good stuff. My junk food dinner of choice.
I carry a bandana and just tuck it in the back strap of my running top. Works great.