
*checks to see if she accidentally clicked on The Onion*

apparently it’s a bit mean lol. at least from what I read on ONTD. Also someone called Taylor Swift the “Beige Satan” on there which was pretty amazing.

Now if someone says, “Imma pop that ass”, I won’t know what’s going to happen.

Seriously. I’m the stranger who would jump in and say something like, “What a stupid question, why don’t you mind your own business?”

That reminds me of a fun anecdote I heard a while back:

And slow. From the gluten.

@Yoko “Now imagine colliding. Picture the cerise majesty that is your life blood streaming in ribbons from your broken noses, covering the undulating golden sheaves in sanguine glory. Exchange insurance information. Ask the plastic surgeon if he can make you nose twinsies. Realize that had you been wearing your

He’s no cunt... he lacks depth and warmth.

Please tell me your FB friend is a hamster.

...holy fucking shit, you guys. O.o

Josh Groban and Kat Dennings are together?! This is new and delightful information. I love it. This makes sense.

Cool story: One time, Kat Dennings was on my local radio station a few years ago and I was pregnant and hormonal and they asked people to call in to say hi (because radio is weird) and I did and when she

So, since there’s a predominance of stories where customers keep breaking the Inigo Montoya rule (words that do not mean what they think they mean), I’ve been reminded of this one story from my own history:

LOL at Antidisestablishmentarianism IPA. I’m trying to imagine what it would include or exclude...or whatever.

After reading all of these my only thought (besides being continually surprised by how stupid some people, ostensibly adults even, can be) is that I really want to go to Jasmine’s old theater bar. It sounds really cool, whether or not their brownies are “special”.

Like... yeah... but also... that sounds sad? Like maybe she was really depressed? IDK. That whole quote made me like :|

That right there is the best parenting advice I’ve ever heard. Can I steal it?

He had an ice cream date with Mohammed Ali.

I was looking for a gif that would appropriately convey how stupid this movie will be, but I accidentally found this treasure instead.

I’m reading the book “Mean Mothers” right now and it touches a bit on this. Boomers and The Greatest Generation had very little choice in the matter of deciding to have kids or not. Having children was very much expected of you and women without children were pitied. So, a lot of women had children even if they didn’t

Thank you so much, on all points. I think the big difference in my case is that my mother has a personality disorder, which in her case means that it’s everyone else who has a problem and she’s just fine, so there’s nothing to fix! My sister and I independently went to therapists, both worried we had BPD ourselves,