Montauk Monster

If this man disappeared from television forever, no one’s life (save his) would be the lesser for it. If HBO wants to have this sort of show with this sort of format, there are literally millions of witty, politically-aware Americans of all ages, races, genders, and creeds who could host. Why him? Why still? Old white

Yeah, I didn’t wake up this morning, or frankly, any morning ever, expecting to have good thoughts and positive vibes re: Barry Watson, and yet here we are.

I had to screencap! Barry is really good at this.

In a Long Island accent no less

Eighteen months makes sense to me, when you consider pre-production, production, promotion, awards shows, all that bullshit, and also a personal life – she has young kids and a spouse in the entertainment industry, too.

Oh man death metal people almost always know what’s up. I am very, very much not a fan of the genre, but know loads of people who are. Death metalheads, according to my anecdotal experience, enjoy things like death metal (duh), pets, being good friends, and having an open mind.

There are (basically) two kinds of music journalists/bloggers – rockists, and people who like music. Rockists tend to be older, whiter, and male-er, and revere the Rock and Roll of their youth, regardless of what decade their youth took place in. These are the people who will argue about Beatles/Stones, and like,

I have been around him socially and he is very charming. Rest easy.

This dude is ANNOYING

I’ve only ever been once, as a tourist, and at one point I had to drive in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night. I have never been so scared of a car ride in my life, and that includes being way too near a tornado. That nighttime Maine road was just – inky blackness. Prehistoric dark, nothing there dark –

It’s a lol that it has to be said, that good journalistic due diligence will require, forever, stating the blindingly obvious. Trust me, I’m laughing to hide the tears.

Clinton is generally understood to have won all three debates

We live in a Coen Brothers movie.

Honestly can’t wait for the “Say Goodbye to Julian Assange” post

This is Jonah Ryan and one of the worst things about the past couple years has been my slow realization that “Veep” is real.

So with people like this dude, do you think they were fucked up by their parents, or are their parents humiliated?

If you have more than two rolls of head fat you shouldn’t be allowed to go on raids

Hm well I can tell you right now there’s clearly gonna be too much Will Scarlet

ETA: oh my god Jamie Foxx is Little John

Second-hottest Robin Hood after the cartoon fox

Robin Hood! There needs to be a new, good, Robin Hood movie made by adults who care about things like “story” and whatnot.