Montauk Monster

WHAT are you serious why am I just hearing this

I have DEFINITELY posted it before – I post it every chance I get, all over the internet. I truly believe mom’s on to something here.

1. My mom theorizes that the Property Brothers are fraternal twins who both got a little bit of plastic surgery to try and pass as identical

2. HGTV’s entire programming philosophy is home renovation + hosts who are slightly “off” in how they interact with one another so the viewer can speculate wildly about their

I read a thing somewhere that was like, ah-ha, the heavy bangs on the wig preemptively shut down any conversations about Kidman’s forehead. GENIUS.

I also got the impression that Jane has been to therapy – the way she spoke about certain topics didn’t seem “natural” to me. Not in that she seemed fake or clinical, but in that she was actually able to describe her emotions and thought processes in a relatively straightforward way, without hedging, guilt, or

Madeline’s conflicts were pretty petty, for the most part – and you know that she was humiliated once the dust settled. She’s going to replay in her head every time she told Celeste that Perry was such hot shit, and kick herself for being a dumbass, for the rest of her life. She also had the least “serious” problem of

This school can hire a rando to trail Ziggy but they can’t call in Calamity Jane, Superstar Therapist to talk Amabella through this shit??????

I absolutely loved the show-offy Real Housewives-esque nonsense of “Trivia Night.” You know, that classic trivia night thing of where you do mid-century white icons cosplay and everyone shows off their singing talent?

And honestly, most of the conflict wasn’t petty – it was about someone’s child being hurt by a classmate! Poor Amabella (man that name) was BITTEN and CHOKED. The most incompetent teacher in the world, plus everyone’s egos, made the whole situation more fraught that it needed to be, but Renata’s kid was being

Republicans = Lucy
Democrats = Charlie Brown

Now playing

Keep in mind, I may be full of shit. I can’t peg a Swedish accent the way I can with an Anglophone person; no ear for it at all, plus, I’m American and ignorant of European languages generally. In fact, he sounds vaguely “European” to me in everything I’ve ever seen him in. Could be in my head, and I’m letting my

She was at her best when she hit that kid in the face with a ball, (I assume?) broke character and went over to comfort him. So I guess when she’s not acting she’s fine. Unless it was in the script that she nail that kid in the head with a baseball, in which case, kudos for going there.

Have you ever seen To Die For? Holy shit. She’s a dark comic genius.

I think the accents make sense for both Kidman and Skarsgard. The physical setting of the show is already glamorous, but throw in the gorgeous and vaguely foreign persons of Kidman and Skarasgard and the glamor is suddenly off the charts. And then, of course, the glamour is revealed to be bullllllshit. I didn’t think

I think for Reese’s character (I cannot remember ANY of the names), it’s a combination of boredom, mentorship, power, and motherhood. Not only does Shailene’s character let her flex her social muscles versus Laura Dern’s Superwoman, but she acts as a daughter surrogate while her own daughter is growing up and pulling

His character is HUSBAND MATERIAL in nearly every single way, except one: He’s a late bloomer, and suffers from their common affliction of still viewing himself through the lens of junior high and not as the grown-ass man he is. He’s all but told Reese that he’s grateful she deigns to keep him around, because she’s

I get a mite bummed when I see reviews that are like “Tracy Flick’s grown up!” Well, not really? Tracy Flick was nuts, this is a character who’s flailing around for an anchor (theater! affair! new friend! helping new friend!) during a difficult and transitory period in her life.

Skarsgard scares THE SHIT out of me in this. And logically, I know he’s a very big guy – I’ve seen him murder people as a vampire, I’ve seen him beat up a CGI gorilla – he’s a muscular 6'4". But the thought of, “holy shit, he could totally punch someone to death” is something that never crossed my mind before this

Nicole is doing the heaviest lifting by a long shot but I can’t get over how much I love Reese in this. I don’t know if I’ve ever related to a character so much, and I’m not even a parent. The emotional compartmentalization, the leftover hurt, the boneheaded mistakes...just, very real stuff, I feel.

Sorry in advance Shailene