
If the parents want the $40K party, and the parents can pay for the $40K party, then who am I to stop them? But if it is my dime, it’s Justice of the Peace, and everybody else can suck it up. I don’t have a single romantic bone in my body, and I am not into paying for my friends to have a good time - they have thier

Give it a least at Freddy believe the first 5 pick ups were free, so it’s a good way to see if it works for you. The app is surprisingly well made and functional, and overall we’ve had a good experience with it. Definitely not as convenient as stuff just showing up on your doorstep 2 hours later - but if you

This is hilarious considering the EU has stricter food safety standards than the US.

What happened to America? Most countries are moving progressively forward, and The States is going backwards. :/ 

I tried this an now have alcohol poisoning. I really need to get some roommates 

Yea for you. The majority of Americans did not get any pay bump. Most companies simply enjoyed the bump all by themselves.

It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids.  That was obviously her mistake.

What’s stopping Americans from doing the same? Probably the army of psychotic cops that would have no problem beating and killing protestors.

Goddam that’s a crazy system.... As a Canadian, it boggles my mind that half the country is against a single payer system. I get insurance through work too, but because my taxes cover all medical issues, it’s basically just for lost earnings and dental, and then a whole bunch of perks (massage, acupuncture, physio,

I had this same conversation with an innkeeper while I was in Japan this summer; they were absolutely baffled and horrified at the concepts behind the US medical system. Really you can see the issue in the terms used. Most countries with a universal system call it “healthcare”, which is caring for health. The US

I have saved this gif for just this very reason:

It’s not murder because a fetus isn’t a person

I doubt anyone is interested in reading your long ass bullshit post. Don't have abortions if you don't like them. 

It’s heartbreaking that we are governed by such backward ideals, and that this sort of ridiculous system is necessary for people to access healthcare.  On the other hand I’m thankful that someone has put in the time to find a workaround to the theocratic laws in most red states.  Thank you for the information.

...and its cheaper and works with other things that aren’t amazon branded, like iPhones, rokus, android phones, android tv, xbox ones, PS4... etc. Hell, my samsung tv recognized the damn thing out of the box, which schocked me.

You’re right, there’s no health risk in cigarettes ever since they became regulated.

Guarantee you the same people bitching about LGBT or women only communities go around calling other people triggered snowflakes without a hint of irony.

So, kids, spend hundreds of dollars to have the same functionality as a 19¢ notebook and a pen or pencil to take notes.

I don’t have a problem with the installations or scarcity of software. My problem is what software there are it’s pretty much abandonware. After a few iterations of the software the creators just stopped updating it leaving loads of bugs and features unfinished.