
They’re not pets. They’re not prisoners. They’re not an obligation that you have to address before you go to The Cheesecake Factory. They’re HUMAN BEINGS and THEY DESERVE DIGNITY. And it’s mind-blowing that there are so many people – fellow human beings – that have forgotten that. So many human beings that are under

So you’re just gonna judge the whole program by your pothead friends?

The whole “Why is this person buying X with their food stamps?” is a common straw man. I can only speak to my personal experience talking with people who bring it up. Usually it’s in the form of “SNAP for junk food? Blasphemy!” though there is some of that “How dare they buy filet mignon with it?”

Right, but these boxes are not providing produce and fresh meat (at least, the budget does not say that they are). My main point being: there are so many questions they clearly did not consider, they just slapped it into the budget.

If I need to convince you that people who are struggling are actually people and to treat them with dignity, then all hope for you is lost and I really hope that if you do have children, you teach them to value life and not to look down on those less fortunate for you. I can not fathom the hatred and blackness that

I am so glad my in-law’s didn’t live to have to worry about this. They were both disabled. He a vet, and she from being a caregiver. Even on their full benefits, they lived on less than $150 in SNAP benefits a month. That’s for two people. My husband and I would pitch in to make sure they got food enough. They were

Just because your loser friends were stealing their family’s food money does not mean the program is rife with fraud. Most people on SNAP are either working full-time, disabled or elderly. Get mad about a country that lets corporations pay their full-time workers too little to feed their families. Get mad about your

Glass bottle Coke is your line in the sand? lol. Not steaks or salmon, but getting the 30 cents more expensive glass bottle?

“SNAP is not supposed to be enjoyable, it is supposed to be something temporary to help people survive until they can provide for themselves.”

Food choice is very often a necessity. People have allergies, diseases, different nutritional needs, not to mention religious followings, that dictate what they can and can’t eat. Many people on food stamps have also paid taxes. It’s not “taking from the public,” it’s what we all put in so we can benefit if a need

A bigger military industrial complex to defend a dumber and dumber populace.

Seeing as how they are discussing Valentine’s Day and not “generic Friday night”, I have to imagine this advice is aimed at established couples... (Cuz who asks a first date out on VDay?)

If you’re in a full-on relationship where you can’t broach the topic of having sex before dinner... yikes.

Also, no such thing as

It is all about the approach dude. I prefer pre-dinner sex but not if the guy waits until Im dressed up, doesn’t broach the subject, and starts pawing at me.

There’s these things called foreplay and arousal. Really neat, you should look into them.

Your lady experiences seem bad, sorry to hear it.

I will get cockblocked by my newborn regardless of when we try to have sex.

Here’s a better idea: have sex all day. In the evening, when you’re tired and starved, order some good delivery.

Not everyone has a library close by. I think these are mostly intended to promote reading by being convenient. If a kid can walk down the street and borrow a book, they are more likely to do it rather than get their parents to drive them to the library. Or even visit the school library during be a busy school day.

While there’s no real mystical power in them, the meaning in the cards can be a valuable tool. It can be a lens to help you view your situation from a perspective you might not have considered previously, and thereby reach a fuller comprehension of it. It’s helped me on many occasions to step back and shake off my