
If they want to prevent people who make more than $75k (or whatever threshold), they should just give it to everyone but take it back at tax time.  Because when you put income limits on it, you are tying it to last years income. But you may experience pandemic-related hardship in 2021. Its such bad policy, but they

I get what you are saying. I wish it would go to people that need it more than me. BUT there are tons of people that could use this money who do not qualify for unemployment. Lots of people are slipping through the cracks. My gf & I both spent several months unemployed over the last year but didn’t qualify for any

Depends on the kids I guess - if your kids are constantly shirking their responsibilities and you have to ride their asses or else they won’t get anything done, then yeah a firm hand may be necessary. But on the other hand if your kids are pretty good and it doesn’t really matter if they take the trash out now or in

Instead of telling my kids that dinner is ready or it’s time to go bed, I give them a countdown. Something like “dinner in 15 minutes” or “start wrapping up for bed”. I think this is a good introduction to time management.

Basically rehydrated corn syrup solids.  Sounds wonderful for triggering diabetes and other inflammatory fun.  No thanks.

I can’t remember why but for some reason I prefer the clipboard manager Ditto (also available in the Windows Store) to the Windows clipboard history. Probably just because I was already use to Ditto and the way it works. Doesn’t sound like these enhancements are going to change my mind.

Writer Bizarrely Upset With Non-Offensive Word Whose Usage Has Not Changed In 340 Years.

Honestly? (Created a burner to respond to this)

Literally nothing you just said contains any persuasive evidence for your claim, and the link you cite is a crock of shit. His evidence, for example, that Bernie’s M4A analysis is flawed, is a link to a fucking tweet where an economist, sight unseen, claims it’s flawed with no evidence. I guess the many other studies

You should read where they got these numbers. They specifically mention that if trading continued as is, the plan would actually bring in approximately $4.8 trillion. They are claiming $2.4 trillion because they expect high frequency traders and algorithmic based trading formulas to trade ~50% less.

What a massive brainwashing. Nobody stops to question where the money will come from when it comes to fighting endless wars for profit, giving trillion dollars tax breaks to the elites, or subsidizing some of the most powerful industries.

All I did was make a list of the key points from the man’s plan. I think you’re angry at the wrong person. 

I’m skeptical about any form of voter predictability/turnout because I was alive in 2016.

Thank you! I really hate the scare-mongering that’s happening in the media.

Holy lack of information Beth. Jeezus do a little more research.

Why are people lumping nicotine vaping into this mass hysteria that has been created by tainted THC vapes? These deaths are not connected to nicotine smoking cessation vapes of any kind. Its their competition (big tobacco) who are losing out on billions of dollars that want this ban to be enacted.  Do your own

When I was fresh out of college without insurance my pcos and endometriosis was so bad I was basically bed ridden for weeks screaming in pain with no money- I actually considered killing myself the pain was so maddening. I went to a planned parenthood in tears and didn’t have to pay a dime. Not only that- but they

while microsoft office may have lost relevancy in the household, nothing can touch excel in the workplace.

Aw, congratulations! (My father-in-law routinely tells me how being a grandparent is so much more fun than being a parent, hahaaaa. You have a lot of great times ahead of you.)

I am 100% here for 1Password.