Vice has a very good on the ground piece. They were there to document the rally from the beginning and got access and interviews with one of the leading pieces of shit.
Vice has a very good on the ground piece. They were there to document the rally from the beginning and got access and interviews with one of the leading pieces of shit.
A male feminist walks into a bar
Excuse me? THIS!! KD Lang (another Canadian, like Leonard Cohen) did an exquisite, haunting version.
I’ve actually been thinking a lot lately about how the “polite” culture where talking about money is taboo is basically the main vehicle by which employers get away with huge pay disparities... I don’t want to be “rude” but I want to know how I stack up, so I can advocate more effectively for myself. Which of course…
Kelly, since I know you love a good romance, you need to check out Transcendence for more caveman UST. Modern girl time travels back, gets caught in a caveman’s trap, love ensues. I bought it for a laugh, and much to my shame (and delight), ended up loving it.
Maybe my comment came across a bit aggressive, I wouldn’t go out of my way to criticize someone for having stuff done. There is also a huge difference between e.g. telling someone they look horrendous and are letting down other women by getting lip injections, and having a conversation about why they are choosing to…
Ideas aren’t dangerous, and shouldn’t be censored.
If sweaty balls are that much of an issue, maybe look into various products that help with that, such as powders, or switch to cotton boxers that wick away moisture and allow airflow. Not being snarky, but if you encounter sweaty balls that much, sounds like you need to look into things since sweaty anything isn’t…
You are not the number of instagram likes on your last post.
I think its a revolting stew of a woman socialized to compete with other women, socialized to place inordinate value in the professional esteem on tenured male professors and similar credentialed men of a certain level of accomplishment, and I can afford no other terms than: she thirsty.
The first part is something…
I was on here complaining a couple weeks ago about my frustrations with the uni where I currently work. I decided to put my energy into applying to new jobs, and got offered something almost immediately. Still not tenure-track, but at a very prestigious place, 30% more money, smaller classes, and in a city where I…
I am also done with grad school this week!! And running my first half marathon in about a year tomorrow !
Brag/accomplishment thread! My brag is I’M DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL!!! I submitted the last of my coursework today! So to celebrate I made a peach-blueberry pie with tons of crumble on top and I’m having the most amazing burger rn. I put TWO slices of cheese on it because fuck it. Lots of wine. Brag here everyone! Let’s…
This is an extremely frightening act of suppression. Except for POC being randomly murdered on the streets by the police, this is the grimmest one yet that’s directly related to Cheeto Hitler and the rise of fascism. What are we gonna do, people? I’m voting for a Handmaid’s Tale-themed protest at the sentencing…
Often the little things scare me the most. The changes in acceptable behavior, the lowering of expectations. Our imprisonment in this system will be built upon not one sweeping change, but changes to several laws, some of them seemingly concerning smaller issues or things that don’t usually concern you or me.
Right? I’m so jealous of his child bride. I’ll just have to keep re-watching his guest spot on Kimmy Schmidt.
I’m in the exact same boat. Where are these guys who don’t want kids? TV told me they would be here.
The child subject usually comes up because I’m more inclined to run away than coo at the co-workers who bring in their kids. So it’s not secret that I don’t want kids. I’m 34, single, and have known since I was 17 that I definitely didn’t want kids.
Glad to see this! I’m 35 and I do not want children - never have. However, it would be super nice to have a partner / be married one day. I’m permanently single - not by choice - and it seems like the men I come across on dating websites are all freaking obsessed with children. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a smidge.…