Correction: The KD Lang version performed at the 2010 Winter games is the ultimate Hallelujah. It is known*
Correction: The KD Lang version performed at the 2010 Winter games is the ultimate Hallelujah. It is known*
Sex-ed at my school was far from modern standards or expectations but it was adequate (and, surprisingly, it included some mention of consent). We also had a sexual health clinic in the local mall which was invaluable in providing information and advice to all the girls (and many of the guys) in my social group.
In my experience, this whole set up is not necessary. As a teenager, I had sleep-overs with my boyfriends regularly - once we became a serious item. Either his parents were ok with it and suggested it at some point (as long as my mother agreed I could stay over) or I asked my mother and she agreed. I didn’t have…
And yet no one is publishing nude photos of David Tennant......
Dating is ROUGH! I’m also nearly perpetually single (and 33) and I blame it largely on my no-babies deal. I suppose I could also smile more, but I’ve had a number of relationships break down because I don’t want children (and only because I don’t want children) and none end because I didn’t smile enough so....yeah.
My 2015 MacBook Air also didn’t receive this update. Thanks Obama!
Anyone have a good reference for what Canadians can do? I’m an expat in Germany but I’m willing to email, post, donate...anything to help out. I’m already giving to PP and trying to quell the crazy conservative uprising North of the border.
I haven’t seen Moana, but if we ever needed to lift up people like Lin-Manuel Miranda, people who inspire and delight and comfort in their professional life and daily twiter-verse interations, that time is now.
The OP may be making the argument that the $90 tumblers were ‘bought for quality’ but, ironically, it’s clear they were bought for OP’s image (craftman-supporter-do-gooder) more than any higher quality. Glass is glass and it all breaks the same. I’d love to support craftsmen and local businesses like that, but $90…
But it’s not the same thing as walking over and punching someone in the face. Often this sexual assault happens while women are sleeping, and is perpetrated by their seat mates who are under the cover of darkness and beyond the view of the other passengers or flight crew. If you punch someone in the face, they notice…
Enter Canada with Little Mosque on the Prairie. In the land of the North it literally is tit-for-tat.
Hey Kidlet,
Thank you, Aimee, for writing this. In a moment of desperation I asked for hope from Jezzies on the SNS board a few weeks ago on this exact topic and the flood of responses and support (for however my life turns out) was phenomenal. This article is an important part of that out pour of support, and perfectly timed as…
Shit happens to everyone that doesn’t make us happy and that we don’t want to deal with. And yes, its nice when friends try to make it better by giving a person hope it will soon end. But for some people, it won’t. Continuing to tell them that they just have to be patient and try harder is exasperating and…
That’s because the picture is of Michael Cera, the actor who plays George Michael, and its from a few years after AD ended. That’s not Maeby though.
Sorry goddess but I’ve got nothing. I was in this exact situation a year ago, I went with Anemone’s suggestion and got busted in having another coworker on FB. Now I’m dealing with a psychopath shooting me daggers all day, refusing to come to work functions that I will be at, and (in one terrible instance) yelling…
I’m so sorry Ednas! I know how hard graduate studies is, and how consuming it can be. Its just awful when the people in your life don’t recognize that (I’ve been there and am there still).
Thank you, New. Your story gives me sincere hope. I’m glad you found someone who speaks to your heart.
I’m definitely open to fixes, Kern. And I’m sorry you’ve felt the same way.