
Lady G did a shiny job (we all continue to forget, and continue to be pleasantly reminded, that she has a lovely, capable voice), but I realized in re-watching Whitney’s performance why it was so perfect. She smiles the entire way through. Like, with this effortless joy. You know - she smiled a lot while she sang.

Well it can’t be any worse than the Archie tv movie from the 90's.

This woman is a true hero. I should celebrate by sending her pictures of my genitals, right?

The answer is: It depends.

I’m addition to making gorgeous shoes (which I can’t afford, btw), Blahnik totally rejects the platform shoe. I appreciate that.

Until typing her name, today, I had never realised that it was composed of two actual words: Blac Chyna.

If you know the Sash family, please let them know this: How many of us stand in awe of their bravery. It must be unimaginably painful to share their son’s brain with researchers, and then to share the sad test results with the public. So much responsibility rests right now on the Sashes and other grieving families: To