Entropy orderly is the name of my new nerdcore band, look for it as SXSW.
How is krokodil not winning?! It is the future AND it has gasoline in it!
Ask me how much my bras cost.
It's a physics joke, not a racist joke! OH MY GOD, THE SCIENCE LITERACY IN THIS COUNTRY!
"Yea, and the position of your seatback shall be upright upon landing, lest thou face the wrath of the cabin staff..."
It seems insane because it is really not true. Universities in the US will not kick out or discipline a traumatized, victimized student because they went to the municipal/county authorities rather than university police. If an incident happens on campus (which this did not), there is a good chance that the university…
Alec Baldwin is less sad if you imagine Jack Donaghy saying the things that come out of his mouth.
"I won't be in tomorrow, Lemon, I'm being subpoenaed by the Gay Department of Justice."
PLEASE star me and make this visible to all. My friends are walking 102 miles this July in Arizona to fight for equality. YOU READ THAT RIGHT: 102 miles. In AZ. By foot. IN JULY. DONATE PLEASE. http://www.equalitywalk.org/2014-walk.html
That would be good. Or even business owners who are LGBT friendly. "Excuse me, it's Sunday and I notice you folks have nice clothes on. Were you just at church? And does your church teach that homosexuals are hell bound? They do? Oh that's a shame, I'm going to have to ask you to leave my restaurant. Your lifestyle…
I want to let my fellow AZ peeps that not all hope is lost. There are companies who will stand up for what they believe in.Pizza People Who Hate the Haters
Way to go Obama, removing Janet Napolitano and Kathleen Sebelius from their respective states to place in your Cabinet. Why would you remove the only Democrats who had any real power in those states?
i love this dumb joke and i don't care who knows
ugh that's the worst Right Said Fred lyric
Now, now, ladies, let's not make too big a deal out of this. I mean, it's not like he yelled in a post game interview or is gay or something.
You know you have a problem when you refresh Jezebel a million times around 3 o'clock checking for midweek madness.