Mrs. Gideon Regrets

Aw, hip-hip-hippo! This is going on my "things I learned today" list. I also learned that Anne Boleyn's portrait was featured in the first Harry Potter movie as a nod to accusations of her being a witch. Clearly it was a slow day — I'm sick in bed, boo. The hippo cuteness made me feel a tad better though!

It must be such a mindfuck, seeing her own face on notes. Does she put them face up in the collection plate? Enquiring minds need to know!

Happy birthday, scissorsister! Here's to 29 being a splendid year for you.

Well, it is so good to meet you again for the first time! Hearted.

It absolutely matters if "impactful use of funds" is your metric. Komen shelled out $93M in 2011 to support 700,000 exams. PP performed 750,000 total. Did Komen give PP the entire $93M? No. They gave PP $580,000. By even the crudest calculations, PP should have been able to perform about 5,000 exams for that much

Oh wow, me too, almost exactly! We probably crossed paths under our old names, then. I took a break after Hackerpocalypse (is that The List your name refers to?) and came back fresh after lurking for ages...I can't stay away from the J-bel.

Right. So they performed 580,000 exams without Komen's help. AND they performed 50,000 MORE exams than Komen funded for the entire year...and your argument is that PP somehow underperformed? What is this I don't even...

Where are you getting this 34,000 exams a year figure from? Planned Parenthood provides almost 750,000 breast exams each year.


Apparently "reviewers reserved a special hatred for Foursquare location check-ins."

I have never subscribed to the theory that children should be seen and not heard, but child? Sit down.

Fucking gifs: how do they work? Don't mind me...

Me too! Was that debacle really two years ago? How time flies! *sniff*

It's like fucking Orwell in there. Down is really up, yes is really no, and "PP is a behbeh killing factory!1!11!!!1" is doubleplusgood. Reason, logic and minimal fact-checking have no hope of combating pure unadulterated imbecility.

Behold vengeance: her name is Lite! Seriously though, you've hit them right where it hurts: the wallet. Nothing but kudos to you.

Those who can have a sparkling wit; those who can't have a sparkling suit jacket.

The only thing Komen will be curing women of at this rate is that pesky thing called "being alive."

I'll just leave this here.

Is that Uni as in university, or Uni as in "one; alone; single because my views are fucking woman repellant"?

How positively hare raising!