Mr. Anthony Rubino

"Smash Cut to Worst Plan, Already in Progress: The Series."

Why does everyone keep shortening the name of the show when its full title of "The Adventures of Ward Meachum and The Worst Iron Fist Ever" is much pithier?

'Member when people were asking why Elektra, if she was their messiah figure and they had to do whatever she said, didn't just be Black Sky and tell them to stop being horrible? Those times seem so far in the past now…

Finn Jones thanks you.

He seems to want to speak like a stereotypical old Japanese master, and yet… he is noticeably not. And his voice didn't change in any way after he stopped posing as hipster ninja dad in the park either.

Shades knows how to stay on course, and wouldn't be the type to be distracted by magic ninjas and the like.

We're not so different. *desperately holding back urge to append "you and I"*

" i didnt' understand that argument at all."
Seems like a rule somebody has to say this EVERY time white privilege is brought up…

This is going to be one of those things where we're all "hee-hee-hoo-hoo" and Outback is like "lulz such fun", and then, because nobody nipped it in the bud, it becomes an actual thing and our spinster aunts will send us e-mails about how they announced on Oprah they donate all their profits to the Church of Satanism,

Welcome to the conversation, Supporter of Notable Anti-Semite PewDiePie. My word, that sure is a lot of words on the subject. You even said "fit a narrative" unironically, because that's not the "I'm not racist but…" of the 2010s or anything. Good on you for doing you.
But since you're here anyway, honest question: Did

Hey, Folks Who Always Aim to Stop Conversation on Any Subject as Soon as Possible, was George Takei against it? I feel that hasn't been made clear.

Not even three posts before you dropped any pretense of being a reasonable person with a reasonable concern, eh?

This is more like an escalation of the last one.
Random Person: "You've brought Clara as close to True Death as anyone in the history of the show ever, and still managed to pull back, because you're Stephen Moffat."
Moffat: "Hold m'beer."

A. The Master escapes everything.
B. I read it as her remembering she was taught to always keep a spare circuit handy, and thus should have had one, not specifically remembering that her previous incarnation had one.

The Master does remind us in this episode that you don't always need a partner to dance, as you can always dance with yourself.

(Take a drink!)

Believe me, I get it. The Doctor has thrown yet another companion to the wolves, somehow continuing to not learn any lessons about not doing all those things that keep getting them almost killed every time he does them and, like in Sherlock, we're supposed to feel more sorry for him and his feels over these erm… we'll

My joke concerned the recent trend of using the word every time a female character is mentioned anywhere ever, even if other words would fit better, as if people want to make sure to use it whenever they have the chance to get more Google juice. Those other words weren't present because there was no reason for them to

Not even close, but you should definitely be passive-aggressive and weird about it.

Take a drink!