Mr. Anthony Rubino

Stray thought: Did The Doctor ever actually ask Bill's mom's name? Including maybe asking her directly, when taking all those pictures?

And then she heaves her bosoms out with concern.
Or the camera was sliding down its pedestal.

Gee, is John Simm appearing this season? I had no idea.
I get excited speculation, but Moffat's free hype machine has been kept working on overtime here.

Co-writer of Sherlock throws in a needless deep-cut reference that would make even most die-hard fans shrug and most certainly distracts more than anything? Unthinkable.

She's an actress in the new Spider Man movie.

"Hey, Hot Aunt May. How do you have such a wonderful complexion?"
And it goes from there.

It's being gradually un-won, Lost Cause of the Confederacy style.

Because you folks keep responding to her and having "hilarious" joke conversations in her sub-threads! It's not even like she's an interesting one. She's a standard model Conservatron 3000 mumbling out the standard buzzwords and dog whistles in the standard order with a standard dose of "Oh you poor liberal fools"

"I wanted to explore that and try to give Mr. Allen the benefit of the doubt to some extent."
Which is why they continue to win.


To be fair, that makes TWO popes he's potentially shagged.
… that we know of.

Laughing at humor. SO middle-class.

They will. He's 2subtle.

I saw part of a "response" to that 30 second cartoon once.
It was of course 30 minutes long, done over a static image, and I lasted about a minute sitting through the directionless stammering about nothing in particular.

They. Don't. Care. How. Insane. They. Sound.
We've had two years at least to process this. Time to start picking up what they're putting down.

Or maybe they just not go "I was born yesterday and find you intellectually honest. Let's be conversation-friendsies for a bit and surely I will have done some good in the world by interacting with you."

Supporters of the man currently in the White House serving as President of the United States can be excused with vague burblings about "extremists", and the insanity of that couldn't pierce the thick skulls of the Both-Sides-Are-Just-As-Badders if it was attached to a mining drill. These folks are worse than the

Holy balls, it's like this is just what people like Buzz say and do everyday, everywhere they go or something.

As a wise person once said. Kylie, I think.

It's all fail, just Peter's face is one especially, and it's not like I looked at it for more than a few seconds at most.
Forget firing. Someone needs to be flogged publicly.