
Three parts Arizona Diet Green Tea. One part Sailor Jerry’s Rum.

The rest of the world thinks we’re weird as hell for not having electric kettles, and this is the only instance in which they are correct. If you’re going to be drinking tea, get an electric kettle to heat your water. They’re cheap as shit, way faster than the stove, and will just sit there keeping water hot forever.

Maybe he’s not sexist, just deeply stupid. But also probably sexist.

Was just reading about George Whitefield, a Great Awakening preacher and friend of Benjamin Franklin, and apparently possessor of quite the lazy eye. In the 1730s he was still considered handsome and the crossed-eye was considered a sign of divinity.

I live my life by one simple rule: if Sarah Huckabee Sanders wouldn’t agree with something I have done, I made the right choice.

I... I actually can’t believe it. This fucking moron went so far that he actually accidentally brought this conversation all the way back around to the Splinter article under which it was posted.

Bigot: “a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.”

I reject your definitional assertion, for a number of reasons. The first being, I never assented to the phrase “mutually exclusive” in the first place and never once wrote anything of the sort. I wrote that the two systems are “diametrically opposed”and “do not in any way overlap.”

lol Your 11% are Rasmussen “participants” believe that “communism (is) morally superior to the United States system of politics and economics” you fucking dickhead. Maybe check the methodology before using something as a basis for an argument. Your 11% are people that think one thing is better than another thing, not

lol One example from over 50 years ago is the best you can come up with? Really?

Two Girls One Cup-O’-Soup

Being a communist makes someone a communist you putz. Being from a communist country doesn’t make you a communist. Why is this so hard? If you’re really afraid of communists, and being killed in the name of communist ideology, it should take you no time to find me a dozen examples.

lol Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Vietnam, China and NK are communist and I’m the fucking Queen of England.

Another product of the American education system I see...

If I’m an American, and not a Nazi-American, what are the odds I’ll be killed by a Communist right now?


Ah yes, because statutes and memorials are the only way to learn from history.

Hell, the alt right is pretty much a millennial movement.

“Illegally occupying a foreign nation”. Shut the fuck up you neo-Nazi sack of shit. Those words have a meaning, and despite your rabid delusions they are NOT “occupying” anything, let alone illegally, under the definition of the law.