
IMO it’s less his appearance and more his demeanor. He’s very grating and manages to be haughty and servile at the same time. If you were to ask me to guess what Ted Cruz was like in high school he was the guy who was desperate to be part of the popular group and existed on the fringe of it. I’ll bet he was a

Cruz’s smile is that of an inquisitor as he asks the questions that, no matter how you answer, will lead to the stake ...

Seriously, Blondi didn’t deserve that. She didn’t deserve to be owned by Hitler period, but especially that.

Proof that dogs are so saintly they don’t care if you’re literally Hitler. They like you anyway.

PREACH. I am loving Amber Rose, feminist scholar.

Same here. Loving her work.

I have been singing her praises lately to my less media involved friends. She's the shit, she's repellent to old ingrained bullshit attitudes towards young women.

Amber rose is quickly becoming one of my favorite people.

She is really starting to grow on me. I might have to check out her book. Over the past few years, I’ve liked hearing what she has to say.

Your story here reminds me that I lost a dog on 9/11, of all days. She was old and died peacefully on her own, but still...9/11/2001, talk about having a lot of emotions to process on a single day.

Kelloggs was incredibly lucky to be so loved, and luckier still that your pen bleeds so artfully for him.

Right? My dog is getting up there in age, and my parents let it slip that they’ve started putting aside vacation time every year for the impending massive meltdown I’ll have. I think Louis C.K. called pets a heartbreak waiting to happen.

Man, we just lost my family dog this past Christmas (like, on Christmas day) and it breaks my heart every time I think of her, even though she lived the fullest, happiest doggy life you could possibly imagine (romping around the country with a gang of rascally neighbor dogs) and had been sick for a while. Every time I

Thank you.

I’m so sorry. I put my cat down a year and a half ago. My advice— be there when they do it, because they will look for you if you’re not. Hold him and tell him how much you love him and pet him in his favorite spot. You will be surprised how ready they are. You will cry your face off, but the vet doesn’t mind. It’s

I still look for the cat I grew up with at my parents’ house. She died when I was 23 or so, I’d had her since I was 9. I am almost 30 and I still hesitate leaving a door open (or closed, depending on the door) because I don’t want her to get out/be locked in. It’s hard. You miss them all the time at first, and then

JUST GONNA SIT OVER HERE CRYING GUYS. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve owned both cats and dogs and losing them opens up a hole in your heart that can shock you, especially if you aren’t prepared for the pain. You did a great thing by providing him with a home while he was here. You’re good people.

I’m so sorry! I grew up with dogs and now have a cat. And man, that emptiness and void from the pet not being there is one of the most heartbreaking feelings. After my parent’s dog Ginger was put down five years ago, all I can remember was how upsetting it was to not hear her toenails clicking on the floor. I still

How painful that you couldn’t be there at the end. But your writing is wonderful. Give yourself some downtime; it takes the pain a long time to lose its sharp edge, but it really never goes away.

sorry for your loss