Mr Rigby

Ironic, in hindsight, that when the scientist said, "We didn't ask," Elizabeth told him, "You should have asked."

But what if Carrie uses Otto's billions to buy Quinn the brain transplant he desperately needs?

Dodd's captivity scene was hilarious but I also enjoyed the moment in "Castle" in which she leapt to Ed's defense during the police interrogation at the cabin. She cut that blowhard police chief off at the knees with a single utterance.

Hopefully he's going to protect the agency's reputation by setting her up for a bullet and a fabricated story about how she died heroically in the line of duty trying to stop a terror attack (not that those actions get publicized IRL). I could buy into that scenario a lot more than Dar's current wacko behavior.

Removed my comment because Beanstew covered everything I wanted to say!

I'm rooting for the tumor. It's the only logical explanation.

Yet Dar's first reaction was to 'graph Saul when he was under suspicion of working for Mossad earlier in the season so there's no internal consistency in the plot regardless of real-world protocols.

Pinning Dodd's foot to the floor with the knife reminded me of M. Emmet Walsh's fate in "Blood Simple."

Interestingly, the veracity of the matter could be verified because a tape of the interview exists. Unfortunately, it is not available online:

I had a professor in college who hosted a public affairs talk show and interviewed Reagan when he was governor of California. Reagan started rambling about his time flying fighter planes against the Japanese in World War II. My professor said he had to remind Reagan his war service involved making military training


Speaking of POTUS, under what circumstances would it take FOUR HOURS for the commander in chief to call an ambassador whose station had suffered a major terrorist attack with huge loss of life? That must have been one long-ass game of golf (channelling my inner Republican … ;)

"And Tasleem being such a zealot for Haqqani? Really, What role could such a woman have in a fundamentalist regime? Does she really want to spend the rest of her life in a burqa, lose all the power she has now?"

One thing that hasn't been well defined in this season's arc is the hierarchy of the ISI command. At the beginning, Saul met with his old acquaintance General "Buni" (who was said to be retired, if I recall), who in turn set up a meet between Saul and Kahn. Later Gen. Buni was directly involved with the hostage

Hey, there's an idea for a spinoff: "CSI: Charming." The team gathers shit tons of evidence, analyzes the hell out of it in their super cool lab with the fancy mood lighting, and and at the end of every episode they look at each other and say, "Hell, I got nothing…." and everybody (including Sheriff Jarry) laughs,

"You gave me a B, you think I'm gonna let you talk to a lawyer? Sit the fuck down."

"You could get that whole Le Carre cold war vibe up and running…."

"Nuttin' down there but spiders!"

Along with the fact that the Chinese guy who allegedly killed Tara was in a Vegas jail at the time. Jarry/Unser didn't waste a second worrying about that.