Mr Rigby

A spokesman for private military contractor Academi LLC (formerly Blackwater) is distancing the company from the depiction one of its operatives in this week's Sons of Anarchy after the character and his hand-picked tactical team were shown to be no match for a group of untrained motorcycle outlaws and white

I had the same feeling. I thought Tig was playing Venus so s/he would believe they could have a relationship but he was going to whack her in the back of the head when she went to get ready, with Tig weeping because he couldn't resolve the disparate sides of his persona. Actually, that would have been pretty

Ah but, wouldn't checking to see if Carrie was there involve going into each room to see if Carrie was there (in case she was incapacitated)?

Tara could have written "Gemma" on the kitchen floor with a bloody finger and Jax would have said: "It looks like she wanted my mom to take care of the kids. In the end, she was all about family."

"Also, Jax dying would present the worst possible pain and punishment for Gemma."

Even Sutter's appendix thinks this season is shit.

Carrie: "I'm having an orgasm. Didn't they teach you anything in that medical school?"
Aayan (embarrassed): "Um … sorry. Female sexuality was not a big part of the curriculum."
Carrie: "That's okay. You'll have plenty of time to study up on that in London. By the way, I have lined up this great job for you as a