Mr. Richard Roma

Anybody else constantly re-surprised that Sasheer Zamata is still on this show?

Really enjoying this show. It also seemed to me that something was off in the narrative order; wonder why they're futzing with it.

I did not actually like music until I heard this record. It literally changed my life.

Loved this movie, but Rebecca Pidgeon is so bad as to disturb disbelief.

We really enjoyed watching this series. We have very few shows that we look forward to on a weekly basis, and this instantly became one. I agree with the reviewer that it did not ultimately live up to its early promise, but there was a lot to like. Craig MacNeill probably didn't have his heart's desires budgetarily,

These are all great, but I think my favorite is the image for Frances Ha, which is even better than the movie it promotes. I can stay suspended in this moment forever.

Sam Rockwell!

I loved this movie so much. I thought both the leads were worthy of awards discussion, and God was it creepy.

I don't care who judges me, this is the internet. I cried in the car driving home from the theater it shook me so badly.

I knew Rudnitsky was out when he missed his entrance in Space Pants. You're in one sketch in the course of three months - what the hell are you doing besides making your entrance?!?

I went in with sub-zero expectations and, as a result, I had fun and I liked it. I always disliked Harley Quinn, and now I dislike her less.

I thought that was the rarely-seen Ms. Oatlash as a little shout-out to readers and a nod to her . . . proclivities.

I took it to mean that, for whatever reason, Genesis was going around to clergy of various religions (the African pentecostal guy, the Russian satanist) and tried on Tom Cruise as the bull goose scientologist. I might have been over-reading it.

I thought the final scene with the kids was an excellent end to her character arc; I can imagine more life for her, or accept that she's dead. Either way, I'm satisfied and proud of the actor.

I don't think it's a question of NONE. I think if you start with a character with as much iron in his spine as comics Jesse it can be difficult to craft a character arc, as distinct from a plot. I still have nothing but love and hope, and I don't care if it's not a slavish adaptation.

Whoa. I read this series when it was current and probably three times after that and it never once occurred to me that the Duke was Genesis. You have just spun my head around.

I think I also spotted TC's overalls . . .

She's been mentioned a couple of times, some very limited screen time in an admin capacity. I had originally thought that Donnie's S&M wife was going to fill in, but there she is. I kinda hope they leave it alone, though, because they need to get out of Annville for a while.

To this day I cannot say whether or not John from Cincy was good, but I would have continued to watch it for as long as they wanted to make it. Its title sequence is a happy place for me.

I don't think Grandma is absent from this equation . . .