Mr. Richard Roma

At first I thought that "the other option" to which Leblanc and Fiore refer was the chainsaw. I flipped out when I realized what they really mean. Pacing. So. Good.

I had a chill when he delivered that. I am surprised all over again every week by how much I love this show, which is _so_ much. It is so far removed from the comics, but I really don't care even a little bit, I love it so much.

Also that they had a half-dozen custom breastplates made up for the rest of the kings guard in an afternoon.

Wait, are we talking about black guys on Walking Dead?

Re Margaery's move to the faith, my thought was that, by making the marriage of two powerful houses (the crown) a ménage with the faith, maybe it gives the Tyrell's a way to kick the Lannisters out of bed and start a succession of Tyrell ruling queens with a subservient faith militant lending legitimacy.

"My left arm is numb. Is that normal?"

His Insidious: Chapter 2 was on last night, and as the plot slowly came back to me I was reminded that I maybe liked it better than the first one, which I loved. He is both skilled and inventive, and I like spending time with Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, so this sounds like a vat of win.

This. I was surprised at how much more I liked the live performance video I saw. The real problem for me, though, was that I really did not like 'Little by Little,' but it was so damned catchy that it became emblematic of the album for me.

They did get Alderaan, which I would imagine held a not dissimilar place in the Rebellion . . .

Well, in all fairness, it did destroy, like, five planets and a significant portion of the Republic apparatus in an instant, so, not a total whiff.

I thought this episode was magnificent. I love these actors, and am grateful that the show gave them this time and space to work. I'm not sure that this episode couldn't function as a short film absent any context of the show at all.

I don't think this means anything one way or the other, nor do I think it has anything to do with producer pump-fakes. If you're not in the episode, you're not credited on the episode.

I had to stop playing Alan Wake after about getting about two hours in. It was like a constant panic attack.

I just finally saw this last night and, several years on from the movie's release, I didn't find it to be at all political in a traditional partisan sense. What stands out more is the juxtaposition of the political class against the working class. Really an excellent and exceptional movie.

I just finally saw this last night and, several years on from the movie's release, I didn't find it to be at all political in a traditional partisan sense. What stands out more is the juxtaposition of the political class against the working class. Really an excellent and exceptional movie.

Saw it this weekend and I don't think I could have been more satisfied. What a great lot of fun, and wonderful, charming performances from all involved. B+ from me.

No American Gothic? Whaaaaaaaaaaa?/?/?/??????

This record is superb. That is all.

I thought this was super, though I did struggle with everyone's lackadaisical response to a church covered in what looked like human smoothie. Did anyone even call the cops about it?

Maligned by whom? That album is fantastic.