Mr. Richard Roma

My wife peaced out on the show in the first ten minutes of the first episode. She gave it another try last night (of all nights) and was so completely and immediately offended that I am embarrassed to have watched it this long. So long, Ballers, it's been intermittently but not terribly fun.

I'm glad to see that most enjoyed this episode, as I thought it was awful and was pretty discouraged for the rest of the season. Maybe I just wasn't in a good head space, but "It stymies my retribution" was gag-worthy.

"Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor seems to be auditioning for a job as a Silverchair roadie." This is one of my favorite things I have ever read. Better than the first half of Infinite Jest.

It's my favorite novel, and I doubt anything will ever displace it. It is both a page-turner and a monumental work of art. I read it every couple of years, and the older I get the better it gets. It's funnier as I get older, and hurts more.

The sound mixing has not been good, but last night was atrocious. Having a guy with a gold grill explain to us about his sufferin succotash wasn't helping any either.

I started to wonder last night if this season wasn't a stealth adaptation of A Man in Full, with everybody just slowly spiraling and spiraling until everyone has lost everything, including their shit.

“The child comes home and the parent puts the hooks in him. The old man, or the woman, as the case may be, hasn’t got anything to say to the child. All he wants is to have that child sit in a chair for a couple of hours and then go off to bed under the same roof. It’s not love. I am not saying that there is not such a

Damn it, I am trying so hard not to lol at work. You broke me.

I went to college with Rami, and he is one of the genuinely nicest people I've ever met. If you want to root for somebody in Hollywood, he's a great pick.


Umm, nevermind, just scrolled down the RSS feed to see that The Last Guardian is back on for PS4. Ugh, why can't leisure-time decisions be easy! Maybe I should just take up origami and meth instead.

I still hadn't fully decided about XB/PS for my next gen purchase due to the bad taste that 'peeping console' left in everyone's mouth at release, but I think BC will seal the deal for me. Part of why I've been waiting so long is that I still have a couple of long games that I recently bought used that I'd like to

The double-disc reissue of S&E was pretty thorough. I consider myself a huge fan, and I don't think I require any outtakes that didn't make it on that release.

I had no idea and am still not sure I believe that Ornette Coleman was still alive.

The AV Club

Loved it. It wound up at a second run dollar theatre near my house when I was a kid, and I bet I saw it a half dozen times. Also wore out the soundtrack cassette. Is it a perfect film? No, but it's a really quite good one from a period where there weren't over-many of those from which to choose. It's also a side of

I'm always going to be late to these discussions, but re SPOILERS

A spoon, cousin?

Y'all, I watched Constantine every week and liked it more than most people, and I will still admit that it was not a very good show. It was fun, but not important.

Chris Sims just imploded.