Mr. Richard Roma

Around the half-way mark I had to ask my wife whether we weren't perhaps being pranked by the writing staff. This was just . . . this was awful. But then we washed the taste out of our mind-mouths with Daredevil. Yay!

I really don't care for Che's asides. It breaks the rhythm, makes a bad Jost worse, and just seems to say 'I don't like this game; let's play my way.'

On TTD Hardwick asked him if he gets recognized on the street. He said yes, but that it was odd because ". . . I'm not on the show, I just pop up from time to time." He didn't give any indication of whether he would be around for very long. I don't think he'll die, but I don't know that he'll stay.

I thought it was one of the better episodes of the season, and I have not been fond of Greg Nicotero as a director.

It's still in the player in my car, so it will get more than a fair shot, but by cannibalizing and recycling tropes from their past work it not only fails to excite on its own, but manages to diminish somewhat the work that's preceded it. They're still one of my favorite bands, but this record made me feel old.

I can't imagine what kind of track wouldn't have been good enough for this album. The only songs that have stuck to my brain-ribs are the navel-gazer about coyotes and Pistol, the weirdest song yet in a capital-W weird discography.

Has anyone seen any of Powers beyond the pilot? I've been reading the series from the jump and was about ready to buy a PS4 to watch the series, but the pilot was . . . not very good.

I was really enjoying it, but I don't know why a movie was 'the next step.' I just wanted another season or two to squirm through.

One of my favorite of his books, and will make a great movie. Then on to Rant!

Ain't none of this episode made no kinda sense. *spits*

My company just closed a production of Mr. Burns last month, and I think it was the greatest thing we've done in five years of (mostly) great things. Anne Washburn is smart, brave, funny and probably shoots 70% from the free-throw line.

I still get in an argument about once a year where I have to correct someone who thinks that Finer Noble Gases is not a heart-wrenching masterwork.

It should be noted that Tim Rutili of Califone and Red Red Meat was also a driving force for Ugly Casanova, so that's a whole 'nother band worth of scheduling that I assume has stood in the way of any subsequent release. Sure wish they'd work it out, because that record was off the chain.