Mr. Richard Roma

And while it may not make for very compelling television right this second, it would seem to form a strong foundation for where I imagine we will see her arc take her in season 3.

I don't know if I would say it was funny, exactly, but I certainly admired it. After a few days reading it I found I had a little sub-routine running in my mind that was translating text IRL into Pygmy syntax. It was a weird little experiential sidecar bonus.

I think they're saying that your Disqus account will not cease to exist in terms of your relationship with DisqusCorp or whatever, but it won't be available for use here. I think.

If Dikachu doesn't claim hir account within a month can I be the new Dikachu?

Similarly, they had one good project (in my view) - the Star Trek reboot, and then a string of poor, lazy check-cashers.

There's nothing more foolish than a man chasin' his hat.

I think it was that he could have a hat or a mustache, but not both.

do you need to close it with < /spoiler > (without the spaces)?

We shall see!

My balls felt like concrete.

Lol. If they release a director's cut that's only the second act, maybe it could get a nod for best production design for a short film.

This finally came to our town tonight. It is superb, silly, quietly devastating, ridiculous and sublime. It has almost no words but is a lock for best screenplay.

Seeing these guys in September at a pretty loosely organized 'festival'; hoping it doesn't devolve into a riot.

Or life.

This comment is better than It Comes at Night.

Dang ol' monkey's paw man, get in there and subvert expectations, man.

I laughed as hard at "You don't know what cakes I've seen" as I have at maybe anything this season.

Legend has it that Roger Rabbit is the third film of a Chinatown trilogy.

I actually appreciate the Azrael arc more in hindsight, though I'm reading into it a little. My idea being that Azrael, while the very epitome of 90's excess and awfulness, also subverts it by being so excessive and awful that Bruce has to come back and give him one across the chops. I don't know, though; I haven't

I was wondering if maybe she didn't have a monitor.