This is odd, I live a couple of blocks from the Field and everything is pretty clear. Then again, most things in life get better once you step out of Wrigley.
This is odd, I live a couple of blocks from the Field and everything is pretty clear. Then again, most things in life get better once you step out of Wrigley.
Pecan pie. Then Dutch apple. Then rhubarb. Then pumpkin. In fact, cherry pie sits somewhere between moon and cow, and neither of those are even real pie.
+1 coin
+1:00:00 < 2:00:00
Okay, I'll bite. You're getting your page view and elicited a "discussion" from me.
I feel so terrible for laughing at this.
Lest we not forget, Wardle is a former Marquette University basketball player and assistant coach. That's the alma mater and one time home to the greatest basketball shitter of all time, Rick Majerus.
I liked this
It's significantly fattier / greasier. I'm curious to here what Burneko the Magnificent has to say about it.
What's your opinion on the best way to get a super hot sear without spending a gazillion dollars on a grill? I've got a four burner gas grill now but find it doesn't create the face melting heat I like for doing things like tuna steaks, especially during the colder Midwestern months.
I think that's a fair battle cry against the mongol horde at Duke.
Back in the day when I commented on this site Scotchnaut and I had lengthy conversations on the Big East. Is he still around, I'd like to harass him about how I watched the Orange shit the bed against Louisville at MSG yesterday.
I feel so wrong for laughing so hard at this. +1 sir
Shit that was a lazy joke, no wonder I never got a star here...
I was sitting there watching the game, just wishing that Rodgers would score to tie it up near the end of the 4th. I kept telling my wife that I believed, without a doubt, that if the Vikings got the ball back with the game tied that Ponder would find a way to blow the game. When Hayward blew his coverage and…
Simple, yet elegant. +1
I love charts, and god damn, that is one solid chart that supports watching heavyweight MMA bouts.
+1 case of dysentary
I'm not a huge fan, but the wife loves it. You must be in the Midwest since its bottled in Wisconsin.