Mr Rodgers Neighborhood

Here’s another thought:

Albert, simply by adding Frank Kaminsky you’ve already given him too much accolade. He’s so terrible he shouldn’t warrant discussion.

Actually fucko, more cyclists on the road is safer. It means motorists are more likely to encounter them and thus more likely to expect and look for them, with or without bike lanes. Motorists also get much better at sharing the road and when there’s bicycle density. If you’ve ever been to Europe or Southeast Asia you

First off, it’s steel. Second, the health benefits of riding every day vastly outweigh the slight chance I’ll get hit by your cigarette smoking, radio changing, texting lard ass. I could get run over crossing the street on foot by your reasoning, should I stop doing that as well?

So mr entitled car driver, what should those of us that commute to work via bike do?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you asshole.

Good stuff


Is this supposed to be a joke? As in, did you write it up and think “oh man other folks are gonna laugh so hard when they read my witty comment”.

Cyclocross is the best version of cycling for TV consumption. The elites will be streamed on the USAC YouTube channel Saturday and Sunday morning.

As of this moment:54,643 unread emails on my phone.

Crazy Taxi. Crazy Taxi rules. And you’re spot on about the play calling with the VMU

MIdnght Special is now on HBO and HBO GO

Please don’t buy these if you like paint on your car and/or bikes. It’s just a bad design. See Saris of you want a decent trunk rack.

Please don’t buy these if you like paint on your car and/or bikes. It’s just a bad design. See Saris of you want a

This sucks for Bickell. The only silver lining is that MS treatment has advanced leaps and bounds in the past decade. My dad has been living with MS for 15 years since his diagnose and he’s still able to walk and play golf at 59. He may not play hockey again but his chances at a good quality of life are pretty good

The train in Unstoppable was more under control than this shit show.

I was just being a smartass...

Chicago actually does have a functioning velodrome in Northbrook, a near suburb. There are also ones in Kenosha and Madison, a couple hours each from the city.

If any of you are ever in Chicago and are looking for a facsimile check out Roost. It’s never going to be as good and definitely not as hot as Princes, or Hattie B’s, or the aforementioned Bolton’s, but it will scratch that itch. And the biscuits are great.

I dunno. I didn’t include a snarky comment, because he likely just missed it and let’s be honest, it’s a super unique way to spell that name. Then again, as someone who routinely has their name butchered, I feel Dwyane’s pain.