Pre-ordering digital is even more stupid than pre-ordering at all. Digital literally never runs out... lol.
Gamestop announced Aqua Blue last night as an exclusive.
(Also, do the capital As not have lines through them in this new font? wtf?)
But, the butt.
Final Fantasies 4-6 need a “Mega Man Legacy Collection” treatment.
Dubstep. The horror.
No one complains about effort put into a project quite as much as non-creators. These comments are just awful c:
Everyone acting surprised that a writer who sometimes contributes to Kotaku would write what is essentially a ‘clickbait’ book.
You still can be. He’s referencing “Everyone’s Gone To The Rapture”, not Bioshock’s Rapture.
Little research (i.e. one single Google search...) probably wouldn’t hurt next time.
I don’t agree with your initial analysis of weapon, but yes, you shouldn’t concern yourself with how others raise their children or live their lives.
Can’t it be both?
Not your kid, not your concern.
It’s basically a non-statement anyway. “I don’t want women who don’t normally wear dresses to wear this dress”, but those women wouldn’t want to wear it anyway soooo...
Justifies how the ending was not any kind of “political” statement by continuously making a political statement about how overly sensitive we are now and how it’s the problem of our country.
Time to get a new manager, bro.
Nobody cares who you are or if you get the joke though :(
I really loved how they made him a character in Suikoden IV.
This is a good post. A gamer enjoying something in a game, and wanting to share it.
Fun police are here. No fun allowed, folks.