
Yeah, two or three weeks after the fact, though with a lot of Skellige left to explore (finished all side-quests but not nearly all the ?s). Haven’t gone back to it... waiting for the expansions I guess. Kinda jealous of the 1.07 patch and those who start or finish with that! I threw away a lot of good stuff! Ah well.


Now playing

If ya’ll like this music better check out the Orchestral and Jazz soundtracks that came out, too. Here’s Godot’s jazz theme.

Yeah well I hate you.

You can appreciate the skill and still be extremely bored watching it, bruh. Don’t be an ass to strangers :)

That was probably the best (see: maybe the only really good) deal from yesterday, and I slept through it. lol. Don’t blame me though, the rest of that ‘Prime Day’ was such a bore it put me to sleep!

That was probably the best (see: maybe the only really good) deal from yesterday, and I slept through it. lol. Don’t

Whatever, I just want to see it come to Wii U.

It’s offensive if you’re doing it because you’re on a vendetta and not because of your reasoning about respecting the entire staff. That’s fine, but that is not what this is about.

In case the other guy’s wording is confusing, if you wait for the American release it will be in English.

This is a great way to show you’re a consumer whore (and how!). The PS1 is alright, if not a bit gaudy and definitely stretched. Prefer a clean console at the end of the day.

an “Elaborate” “NSFW” “Easter Egg” eh?

Sounds like Destiny’s got you by the balls bruh.

I have trouble wrapping my brain around the use-Fire-to-damage-Water thing. I want to assume Thunder, but it doesn’t exist.

Clickbait: The Article.

Can’t believe they didn’t go with the catchy title of Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars 2!

Nathan, did you play the original Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars, and can you compare?

Hey, thanks for the positive press! So many people have been using this campaign to argue about Kickstarter practices. I honestly wish we could have had this Kickstarter last year just to avoid coming after Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee obviously undervalued their Kickstarters just to use it as a pre-order system/hype

Wonder if you will ever realize all comments are shitty.

You sound like an idiot adding in things like ‘muh’ and ‘e-peens’. You could almost be defending a real position if you didn’t sound like an idiot. But, I am responding to a Kotaku comment so I guess I knew what I was getting into. :/

No I love the point of this article. Everyone should stop pre-ordering these awesome Limited Edition and Collector’s Editions so I can make sure I get MY pre-order in.

Very glad I pre-ordered all the Collector’s Editions for Witcher 3, Elder Scrolls Online, Arkham Knight, The Phantom Pain, and Fallout 4. Will continue to do so in the future. no-money-down pre-orders for life son. Cancel anytime.