You’re a bad human. I say that as a term of affection, of course.
You’re a bad human. I say that as a term of affection, of course.
lol this is the best comment
Easily my favorite Tales game, just because Yuri had some awesome depth and complexity to his character.
Of course this is also the guy who wrote an article about how awkward it was he could see the daughter-character’s bra strap in Witcher 3 and how it gave him a boner that really broke his experience, so I don’t think I’d even want to understand this type of person.
Sounds like you’re a little greedy, the type of person who wants instant gratification even more instant than it is already is.
I’m here with you brother. We’ve all been waiting so long.
“Another example: Ciri’s outfit, which always reveals a bit of her bra, tantalizing you even though she’s basically Geralt’s daughter. She is another intriguing, well-written character—one of the game’s best—but aaaaaaa, weird boner. Poorly timed boner. Wrong boner.”
This comment will get lost in this pile (or was…
Best thing I’ve read in a long time. Thank you so much for sharing this, Kotaku and Brad Hill. Truly fascinating and inspiring.
True, they’ll all just end up talking about who their favorite pony is and forget all about it.
Dang dude, might as well cancel E3 now.
Love the more vivid use of color!
Same. I’d shave his head and watch it grow back, too, if I could.
So as someone who can’t draw at all, but likes looking at this stuff, you’d recommend the book to me?
The Marvel movies are also a bubble that will burst.
(I’d argue they were never really worth noticing at all...)
Last night while playing I came upon a bug where after dying and selecting continue from the main or load most recent or anything it’d just hang on “Please wait...” ... forever. I had to do the delete local save games thing. Worked after that though.
Not to be That Good, but for some reason the writing style of the back and forth with the “voice” that is just the author really makes me not want to read this article (which is a shame ‘cause I could use the info). Why not just write it as an article that doesn’t try to fill in my banter for me?
Not even close to what I come to Kotaku for.
Wish it had been open world like it originally promised. The glimpses you caught of that original vision in-game were amazing.
Can’t even provide a link to the Steam product page that inspired this tirade? Nice, fair coverage.
Are you getting $2500 per article from your Patreon for your posts here this weekend as well?