
I’m good.

No, I’ve moved on.

The perception gap is so fucking real and goddamn depressing. We see it on a macro and micro level.

100% of my husband thinks that he does half of the household chores. (He thinks there are maybe 3 or 4 things that need to be done around the house and he does at least half of those things.)

Racism was allegedly over because we elected a black president too

Hillary is running for President which proves there is no sexism and it’s sexist for you to say there is sexism. <— will be the new thing, is the thing.

100% of those surveyed who believe sexism is no longer a problem followed their answer, unprompted, with: “do you even know what it’s like in Saudi?” Then they shared a meme about how nice guys never get the girl.

Republican men don’t think women face obstacles because THEY ARE THE OBSTACLE.

From what I’ve seen of delivery alone, Trevor should be replaced by Larry Wilmore.

Trevor noah got a show with a big name and established audience. Its the only thing keeping him afloat. They will probably never cancel TDS but will probably end up replacing him at some point in the next few years.

Pretty sure women who wear burqas have more conservative views than the average French woman.

All despite the fact that the birth rate among ethnic French people is in freefall and they are likely the future of your nation because they’re willing to immigrate and make enough babies to keep you afloat - but please, just keep wondering.

The only appropriate feminist wear for the beach is a tiny bikini with plenty of ass cleavage.

How do you think many of these women feel about abortion and gay marriage?

Sure, the burkini is a gendered construct, but it’s part of a larger set of rules that aren’t gendered. A man cannot swim in a full thawb and keffiyeh either. I think the laws are fucked up but they aren’t anti-feminist, in my opinion.

Yeah, I know:

IN all fairness, this particular issue of clothing relates to women, but the ban of religious clothing knows no particular religion of sex. They ban crucifixes from public schools, yarmulkes, hijabs, you name it.

Religious head wear for men is banned in public schools in France. Not beaches.

This comments section is about to fill up with “Feminists” defending religious and cultural practices which epitomize everything that Feminists are supposed to oppose.

maybe because of the attacks on beach goers by muslims that’s been happening.

Here is one example.