That’s not true
That’s not true
That’s not just talking about TV ratings and the statement is pretty blatant PR-speak to try and make it seem like the show is doing better than it is. If if was doing better in the ratings they would simply say so. Virtually every other source shows a significant decline in viewers.
I will actually agree with you on this - sometimes he comes off as forced or “trying too hard”. It’s gotten better lately, I think, but I know what you mean. I can’t even pinpoint exactly what it is, but sometimes his delivery is too over-the-top and cringey for me.
For me it had nothing to do with race, I hated everything except the Wilmore’s opening monologue on that show. Their correspondents and contributors just sucked, had poor comedic timing, and generally all came across as Daily Show Correspondent factory rejects. They made half the show some discussion between experts…
Yep. A lot of times the guest would be someone I wanted to hear from and instead of an actual discussion I got a guest interrupted by lame jokes. Like, if you’re going to have a conversation, you gotta bring people to the table who know what the hell they’re talking about.
What makes it worse is that the ‘corespondants’ are outshining him anytime they are on.
“Comedy Central is in a ratings free fall, with Trevor Noah’s Daily Show taking the biggest hit. (In May of this year, the Wrap calculated that Noah had lost 35 percent of Stewart’s audience. The numbers have dropped even lower since.)”) from
No it’s not, the numbers are down significantly.
Really, was he getting better? I like Wilmore, but in smaller doses. For some reason, a half hour of his delivery always really got on my nerves; I thought he was stronger in segments on TDS.
“When we started the show, we wanted to have a conversation of some very tough subjects
Yes, John Oliver. Thank you! I like him alright, but for some reason I feel like he tries too hard. He’s always swearing, which I’m not someone who’s offended by foul language or anything, but it always comes off (to me) as an attempt to be more “badass” or something. I did really like him on the Daily Show, though.
I was really excited that Wilmore was getting his own show, but really disappointed by it. He never seemed completely comfortable in the host role, so even otherwise decent jokes fell flat, the bits felt unrehearsed (with the exception of Mike Yard and Holly Walker, who I found pretty delightful, everyone’s comedic…
This. At the same time, I’m not that surprised The Nightly Show got cancelled, or at its rather low ratings. I feel like the show would have been better served being a weekly show rather than a daily one.
He was performing very poorly in what is basically their second best time-slot. He has been getting beat by @midnight, which is a pretty terrible sign at that time of night.
same. i cannot stand TDS anymore...
Lordy, I wanted to like that show more. But I feel like Larry Wilmore just might not be for me (which, whatever, a lot of people like him and I respect that) and then there was Ricky Velez, who for many reasons* just had me hitting the channel changer every time he was on.
Can’t say I’m surprised, I found myself cringing a lot while watching the show. I honestly don’t enjoy Larry, Trevor or The British guy whose name I’m blanking on right now that’s not Trevor.
Would rather have seen Trevor Noah go.