Low pH is acidic. :D - Former scientist, current pedant
Low pH is acidic. :D - Former scientist, current pedant
Soap is not actually about killing germs. It is about encapsulating germs in soap bubbles so you can then rinse them down the sink. So normal soap works for that just fine.
+1 to the superbug chorus, and adding that all that triclosan you’re washing down the drain is a big environmental concern as a water pollutant.
That stuff drys your skin out like crazy.
Antibacterial soap is bullshit
I like the lavender!
Nooo don't buy antibacterial hand soap! You are hurting more than helping.
Idk washing my hands throughly and correctly, and not helping to select for more resistant bacteria?
Scientists got involved.
But what happens when the superbug apocalypse arrives?
I though we weren’t supposed to be doing that outside of hospitals, schools, and other super germy places anymore? You know, overusing antibacterials and creating super resistant bacteria and global health and what not.
TRYING NOT TO BREED SUPER BUGS THATS WHAT. It’s like immune system boot camp.
antibacterial soap is bad for you since it leads to superbacteria. what’s with your smugness?
Dr. Bronner’s in the shower. That is all.
What about the intense war between washcloth users and non-washcloth users?
Tim Kaine personally does not believe in abortion, but feels others should have that decision for themselves, making him by the definition, pro choice. He is actually rated above Joe Biden by NARAL
Why are we still pretending to listen to this man? Isn’t he essentially what Dr. Phil is to psychology and Dr. Oz is to GP? Like, sure, at one point they were real people who did real things to help people, but now they’re just cheap hacks desperate to turn as many tricks as possible to make that sweet, sweet…
I liked Dr. Drew so much in the 90s, based mostly on listening to Loveline late at night driving to and from college. I have been more and more appalled at him ever since. Beyond promoting conspiracy theories, he’s been peddling the worst kind of junk pop medicine for years. He’s dangerous in much the same way as Dr.…
He’ll be my real dad when I see him in socks and sandals.