
That’s a really good point about Monica hurting Hillary with the affair that strangely I’ve never thought of. Why do we expect Hillary to have treated Monica well instead of behaving like a hurt human being? I absolutely think many other people involved treated Monica poorly so that Monica could be the scapegoat for

That seems to be a huge oversimplification. In general, yeah, sexual assault victims should be believed. But I don’t think it’s fair to expect Hillary to immediately turn on her husband because of an accusation that hasn’t been proven and has no really compelling evidence (which I know doesn’t mean she’s lying, and

This post deserves more stars.

I find it really ridiculous and shitty to paint Hillary as a terrible person for not wanting to believe her husband is a rapist. How many women are cheated on, lied to, abused, humiliated, and hurt by their husbands and don’t leave? How many women have blamed the other woman when her husband cheats? I’d guess

Yeah. I don’t know what did or didn’t happen, but if Starr — of all people — let it go, that’s pretty compelling.

The right to be believed doesn’t dictate personal behavior. It’s a standard for police investigation and public reporting - the idea that any alleged rape is likely true and should be investigated and the victim supported. It doesn’t mean that a woman must believe the word of a stranger over that of her husband and

I think the unwritten assumption there is “pending further investigation.” False accusations do definitely happen, although very, very rarely obviously, and if, after looking at the evidence, or lack thereof, it seems more probable that nothing happened, it’s not as if we should go on blindly believing the accuser

It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.

I’m a sexual assault survivor myself, and I know avoidance behaviors are definitely a thing there. But there was 20 years between her rape and the Lewinsky investigation, and then after declining to participate in that, she chose to go after Hillary, not Bill. That’s what strikes me as odd. I’m picturing my own rape,

It’s puzzling to me how many people are acting like this is new information. Or like Hilary Clinton is somehow more responsible for Bill Clinton’s behavior than Bill Clinton is.

Yeah, if Hillary knew in that handshake moment, she probably knew that they’d had sex, not that it wasn’t consensual. So that makes her handshake moment, perhaps an attempt to intimate a woman HRC thought of as a mistress of sorts, not a victim of her husband-as-predator.

“in 1997, when she was subpoenaed during Paula Jones’ civil sexual harassment suit against Clinton, she had signed an affidavit and denied under oath that the rape occurred.”

Ken Starr would’ve had an orgasm if there’d been the least little thing about Broaddrick’s story he could’ve used. And if there had been anything, Starr would’ve found it.

I’m kind of annoyed that lots of Democrats are only troubled by this stuff now. More troubled than they were when Bill was running for things.

If Ken Starr didn’t bite on it, it’s probably a nothingburger.

I’m not going to make a claim about mental illness. That said, I do think that the idea that Bill went home and told Hillary he raped a woman is preposterous. Frankly, I can’t see him going home and telling her he slept with another woman. All we know Hillary did was to thank Ms. Broaddrick for doing “something” for

Setting aside anything having to do with Bill, I just can’t buy her story about the Hillary Clinton encounter.

Let’s not forget that Drumpf has been accused of rape or sexual assault by three women so far—one of whom was also underage at the time.

“Ambition is to Hillary what silver was to Judas”

So, Bill Clinton raped a woman and then went home and told his wife? I feel that Juniata Broaddrick has suffered much in her life, primarily with mental illness.