
Whitefish, for example, is only flavorless if you don't season it. Basically you're copping to being a bad cook.

That confused me too. I can see no reason in this ranking to assume that no seasoning is involved.

Hot take: White people don’t know how to season meat.

How is wing formed? How Chicken get pragnent?


I don’t know how I feel about making celebrity favoritism part of operational policy. He’s an actor, not a head of state.

That is a really, really classy response but I’m not sure why being a movie star should have any bearing as to why he would get stopped or not as the article implies. I really hope that celebrity status isn’t factored into why someone gets stopped. I could think of SEVERAL Hollywood celebrities that I wouldn’t want to

Have you considered bottoming out? It makes everybody much more impressed with future mediocrity.

I work for congress lolol

Delegates are not employees.

That documentary was heart breaking. They managed to track him down in like a day...there are so many women who escaped him and knew exactly what was up.

The saddest thing about this whole tragedy is that the LADP didn't bother investigating and the LA Times couldn't be bothered to report on a single case until recently. This case has shown me that America is more than willing to consume black women in media but their lives, be they taken by the state or private

Seriously. What it boils down to is “an event at a hotel/convention center”, which isn’t required by law to provide separate protections to its attendees that aren’t covered by law enforcement. It seems like any convention SHOULD have thought to implement a policy of revoking a delegate’s credentials for misbehaving,

How has the DNC “exempted” itself from anything? The default appears to be for political parties to not have specific policies dealing with accusations of sexual assault between delegates. The policies need to be created before anything or anyone can be “exempted.”

What laws are congress exempt from? What taxes?

Sorry but if you get harassed at a hotel by another delegate, you go to the fucking police, which this woman did. Why is it up to the DNC or the hotel to have specific policies to handle assaults? I mean, with colleges the justification is Title IX and the fact that these are kids living away from home for the first

I doubt it.

What sort of policy could they have? “Sexual assault is forbidden.” Okay. Then what? If someone got arrested for assaulting another delegate, I presume they would be removed. What else are they supposed to have?

What do you suggest the DNC do? Did you want them to remove him from convention without any sort of legal process? Even though doing so would rob the people who elected him as delegate their rightful voice at the party convention? How can a democracy function properly when people’s votes are dismissed simply because

I’m assuming they’re relying on regular law enforcement to take care of regular law-breaking. Assault, sexual or otherwise, is against the law after all. But I’m concerned that they have nothing in place to punish the delegates as delegates. They should have to resign if the conduct is bad enough, but apparently they