
Feig cuts his movies almost exclusively using test screenings. They run the print, he gets the feedback, changes stuff, then puts it back out there.

So on and so forth for many cycles.

It’s why all his films end up feeling like a Revue. Short segments with barely-connected material (if at all) thrown together.

As is he. And I bet those bitching now had nothing to say about this:

An orange Hitler is egging his supporters to assassinate the first female presidential candidate of a major party but yes, your energy is much better spent being outraged by Gabby Douglas’ lack of arm movement.

They must have run overboard on budget, too. I heard that Sony was pissed in particular about the “Hemsworth dancing” scene ending up as nothing more than the credits, because it alone cost more than a million dollars to shoot.

It was fun, but sad to say, it just wasn’t GREAT. I would have been willing to see it again in theory, but I can’t imagine myself actually doing that at this point. I’d still go see a sequel, though.

They cut a full two hours from it, according to Feig. The original cut was, like four-plus hours long. This movie is a textbook example why “film it all and cut later” is a terrible idea.

Agreed. It didn’t hang together. The actors gave it their all, but the writing was kind of weak. Better jokes were needed (although I did like Melissa McCarthy’s soup obsession).

It’s not cheaper than therapy when she’s doing it almost every day.

I’m assuming that’s $34 a month.

Other cults are also cheaper than therapy and help you drink less (since once you are in a cult, your first drink will probably be the only drink you will ever need again....)

If nothing else, this should provoke some good reactions from Trump’s Twitter account.

Naw, I think he’s more likely to pull GOP voters that would never have voted for Hillary anyway.

not important

Yeah, that’s the thing needing prioritizing here.

There already is a defined rule to staying mostly sober at parties- 1 drink/hour. That is a relaxed drinking pace that will keep most people sober enough to not be weird. My office holiday party lasts ~4 hours, I’m not drinking 2 drinks over 4 hours, unless I’m planning to get up and go the gym at 5AM the next day.

Alcoholic: a person suffering from a condition when a person ingests [alcohol and] the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilites such as work, relationships or health.

Dude, I can’t believe people are trying to call you an alcoholic and just wanted to say I totally agree with you. This article is judgemental as hell and basically says that everyone who has more than two drinks becomes a tiresome drunk that you can look down on as you sip your glass of water and then smugly go home.

So why should I stick to just two? You don’t really say why just that I should only have two while being socially awkward about it. If I need to drive or be somewhere early the next day then yes stick to one or two but if I have a ride/taxi/uber and everyone else is drinking and enjoying themselves why would I stick

I feel you. BUT what I also dislike MORE, as I get older and older, is the way my body reacts to drinks 3 and 4 the next day, as if I have chugged a bottle of rat poison.

Same here. My tolerance is pretty high. Drinks 1 and 2 only prime me for the mild buzz Drink 3 provides, and Drink 4 ends the night with a wonderful buzz-but-not-drunk feeling.