
And most importantly, you get to be self righteous in comment threads about engagement rings. And who can put a price on that?

You’re going to (hopefully) spend the rest of your life with this person. Have a conversation with them like a goddamn adult and get her exactly what she wants with an agreed upon budget.

One of them also said something like “We’ve just heard from an actual billionaire...” I was loving it.

Lawrence O’Donnell’s contribution to the discussion after Bloomberg spoke was, “Estimates have Bloomberg’s fortune at 100x Trumps, conservative estimates have it at 10x. This was a calculated blow and it will hurt Trump’s ego.” To which Williams replied, “The Manhattan dinner scene is approximately this *holds up two

I think it’s probably the years of relentless hate and criticism directed at her, based on sexism, other agendas, and all sorts of goodies that have nothing to do with her actual flaws, which exist, but do not make her Satan.

I’ve never understood caucuses. How is that fair for all voters? You have to show up at a particular time period and stay for hours?

right?! if anything is rigged, it’s bernie’s wins in caucus states. they are NOT, by the way, but caucus states are more dubious than anything else in the system.

Isn’t that pretty much the juvenile’s excuse when they don’t get their way?

Unlike Donald, Bloomberg is a successful businessman. That’s why it was extremely satisfying to see him take on the cornerstone of Trump’s campaign.

Bloomberg’s speech gave me LIFE because you know Trump was SO PISSED that Bloomberg said he was richer than Donald and threatened his New York cred.

Last time she addressed a convention (in 2008) she was actually pretty awesome, so I’m pretty optimistic that she’ll do great tonight. Hillary’s performance as a public speaker can be hit or miss, but she seems to be able to hit it when it counts the most.

Agreed. Every speech has hit home that Clinton is a million times more qualified than Trump for the job. It’s frankly insulting that they are even in the same competition.

I eagerly await the day Biden shows Kaine around the naval academy, capped off by shotgunning beers in the driveway.

Me, too. Hillary is very cautious in her public speaking, at times coming across as aloof, because it seems like she just don’t want to say the wrong thing. I can’t fault that against her; I am the same way. So I am really hoping that because the stage has been set for her (i.e. Michelle Obama, Biden, Kaine, President

Biden probably said, “Alright, kid. Ya gotta bring the goods. But lay off the malarky! That’s mine.”

just cried a little-again-at that photo of Hillary and Pres Obama hugging. I have got to stop getting pregnant in election years.

Dad night was fun. But i am nervous and excited about Hillary’s speech. After being super upset last week, i felt obama’s speech hit all the right notes in terms of optimism and hope and I loved the way he took swipes at Trump and positioned Hillary as his natural successor. But this is Hillary’s night and i am

I really didn’t think I’d feel energized heading into November. The RNC was yes, a dumpster fire (a yuuge one at that), but I was a little concerned that the Dems would have trouble coming out from all the negativity. I love being wrong, sometimes.

At one point during Kaine’s dad-joke speech (maybe multiple points, I was mainly listening and not watching) the camera cut to Biden and the look on his face said “This is a worthy successor.” It was adorable and heartwarming.

The contrast between the DNC and RNC is striking. There were lots of heavy hitters speaking last night that it was almost exhausting to watch. Unsurprisingly, Obama and Biden delivered. Kaine was a little hokey for me, but I did think his speech was somewhat effective.