MrPornJRatbeardPoopypool III

Thank you! Me sick of fans who came into Disco with axe to grind insisting it not hold up against perfect, flawless gems that are previous iterations of Star Trek. We love Trek, but even best of it is plagued by bad writing, cheesy overacting, and wild inconsistency. That we love it anyway is testament to how strong

Me really enjoyed this episode, and this season, but that cross-cutting during speech was just horribly done. It manage to undercut both moments while serving neither.

It just occurred to me. Burnhams speech is like a child coming back after a time out and the adults ask her what she learned while in time out.

The speech was terrible. As I said above, it should have been a narrating personal log on top of the awards ceremony. It made no sense. Sloppy writing to give Burnham a chance to give a speech to Star Fleet.

I am not exaggerating when I say that I and a half dozen close friends who all grew up on reruns of TOS and then followed NG, DS9 and a few of us (not me) followed Voyager and at least one of them watched Enterprise all feel it’s the best Star Trek ever. Take that for whatever it’s worth.

You could make an argument that “Conspiracy” at the end of season one was the first good episode. It still has one of the most visually striking moments of the entire franchise.

That confused me, too. Even the blocking of it was odd, with her standing center floor ground level with her back to a room full of Starfleet, towards the crew of the Discovery who are standing on a riser with their backs to the Council. Like, I get this either being a speech to the Council, or her turning around and

I know it’s hard to review a Star Trek show without being influenced by the franchise’s long history. But we also tend to focus on the best episodes of previous Treks. For good reason, the best episodes are the most memorable. But fans have to stop acting like every other episode of Trek was a “Balance of Terror” or

That last speech was presented super weirdly.

The hero speech at the end belonged to Saru, not Burnham. Through the whole season, he’s never faltered, never gave up Starfleet ideals, never sacrificed morality for expediency. He’s the character who grew, who started the season jealous that Burnham was being groomed for a command and ended as a character who grew

That’s a generous grade. Plot-wise, this episode was terrible, rushed and lazy. And anticlimactic? Good lord!

I agree. I'm playing on casual just cause I wanted to enjoy a not too difficult play through a move on (I play these types of games only once). I'm really having a LOT of fun with the game, I felt like a total bad ass after getting past a recent chapter involving a crazy man in a barn with a chainsaw. The weapons feel

Totally agree. He may have been the so called 'father' of survival horror, but he's out of date now, he himself hasn't evolved and he's completely stale. I'm not saying modern games have outdone him and set new standards, but I personally don't go for cheesey, two dimensional bullshit characters anymore, and that was

You didn't give it enough time. I know people say "game should be fun right from the start" or "it shouldn't take 2 hours to get fun" but the game really starts at chapter 3. They're teaching you how to play in the first 2 chapters. Though I rarely ever hid under beds or closets.

The weird thing about this game is that, while I very much loved playing it, I agree with almost everything in this review and wouldn't recommend it to most people.

Normally, I'm inclined to agree! For this... for me, anyways, it's weird. It's like there are good moments and there are good moments, spliced together. So sometimes, I love the game unreservedly, like the sniping section in level 6. Other times, I dislike the game with a passion, like firelady boss fight before.

So far, I'm enjoying the game, despite the game. I love the atmosphere. I love the game when it works.

A lot of them, actually. Jill, Steve, Claire, and Carlos to name just a few (I wanted to say Resident Evil 2 might have had a few scenes with Leon also being afraid of some of the bigger characters, but it's been a while), react with fear and shock multiple times when confronted with certain enemies and scenarios,

Yeah, for every genuinely scary moment, there were ten that felt like they were cooked up by Bill Hader's SNL version of Vincent Price. And Sebastian is so flat that you never invest in him. I guess he's supposed to be dead inside but he mostly seems bored.

I'm coming to the realization that for the most part, the survival horror genre and I are about to part ways, because it's just morphing into torture porn, so I was expecting The Evil Within to be more of the same. I was prepared for it to be really grotesque, and it was, but I was also hoping for it to be scary, and