MrPornJRatbeardPoopypool III

I kind of disliked Chapter 3 as well, just because that’s when I hit the learning curve of figuring out how to implement all the gameplay elements without receiving any direction from the game itself.

At least Jacob Pitts got a relatively juicy part on The Sinner. I fucking love Justified, but those 2 characters really got the shaft.

I may have yelled “run it over!” as he was pulling away. Alas.

I liked Liv-Major at first, but over the seasons it’s been increasingly clear that they don’t belong together romantically (despite what the writers clearly want you to think). Plus Major’s unpredictable chaotic energy was entertaining for a while, but he crossed some lines in season 4 that weren’t fully addressed and


I’m still so fuckin’ puzzled by that. I spent an entire episode focusing on the conspicuous cape dude with the egregious French accent, just waiting to find out he was on some weird brain or was somehow key to the plot. And then...nothing (except for being quietly integrated into the cast).

I would argue that Stephanie was a hell of a lot more consistent than Nick, though.

Sara honestly deserves way more shade than that.

Nick’s own mother fucking FLINCHES when he moves too close to her.

Totally agree about your Stephanie comments but must also take exception to your Cochran diss: Cochran is awesome (better in his second season, but it’s a continuation of his arc from the first).

Um, substitute “frightened” with “aroused” and you’ll be a little closer to my (self-baffling) reaction.

“I think if I didn’t have diarrhea I wouldn’t be so nervous”

That was one of the most cringey episodes of the entire show (slightly below Brandon’s public breakdown). Thank god for Sophie sneering and refusing to laugh.

Penner and Cochran can co-host, with Probst only showing up for TCs.

Probst: “Somebody tell Brenda she won!”

He looked so uncomfortable every time she said something like “my gay” at TC!

Give it another, oh, seven years.



“I’ve been bamboozled!”