My inner Tina Belcher approves of this.
My inner Tina Belcher approves of this.
The Selvester McCoy problem. Great at playing The Doctor, but given less than awesome material.
It’s not about who’s right or wrong.
2. Since when are archaelogists scientists ... /jk
Just wait till freemium features come out.
They did, after most North American and German OEM’s committed to the SAE CCS standard.
We have. Most OEM’s are going to use the SAE CCS plug (what the Bolt and i3 have). The Japanese are being, well, Japanese and using CHAmoDO because it was invented there. Tesla is pulling an Apple and doing their own thing because they’re “building the future”.
They mean CCS chargers. The German and American OEMs have agreed on CCS as their plug. The Japanese are using CHAmaDo because it was invented there.
Yes, there were performance engines that made more power.
Thats like complaining about a rotary not having any low end toque.
307s were sad
I own one.
Probably because after they get a handle on the technical requirements, they very quickly realize it can’t be manufactured and sold profitability*.
Wrong. There is no place in America where a parent can send a kid to another school district.
My old man used vodka and orange juice.
we ascribe way more power and influence to the office of President than they really have
I agree with you, that is the standard to be respected.
Because even though we’re yet to see the production version of the 3; it will be better, faster, prettier, and cheaper than any other car that has ever existed.
Pedant much?
If you like that, try this on for size: