Mr. Poopy Pantaloons

So, you’ve never purchased tickets to a concert, sporting event or other live performance?

the only thing groundbreaking about that show was employing a woman with an enormous ass

I always knew this guy was the fucking worst.

I guess slander isn’t a big deal if you have no money.

I fucking love this street

Women sexually aroused by black men but too afraid to date one love Vin.

Standing with the Candy Ass. Brave.

A fittingly pointless pursuit for Easter.

Ethan, I’ve been informed that this game is not about killing rednecks and therefore I must ask, who is this game targeting?

Do I get to massacre rednecks in this game?

coupla shite cities

brb reinstalling dirt rally

best mobile couch to advertise your lack of taste, maybe

Aren’t many average players not useful?

I don’t get how this is a problem either.

“deeply loved property” cool your jets, virgin

The headline literally says “did a way better job”

You are, of course, entitled to your wrong and bad opinion.

Either way, Rick and Morty kind of sucks.

Dear America,