
the art style is pretty nice. would you prefer dwarf fortress where everything is represented by characters?

It was boring because Smash 4 is boring. :^)

Yeah, he spoiled it for me too. Pretty shitty thing to do! Don’t worry too much about arguing with the people saying “hur durp it’s your fault”, I doubt they even know what EVO is.

That’s a retarded thing to say in a day and age when we can access all this stuff via youtube. He probably intended to watch them when he had the time.

Because they find it fun? How was that possibly hard to figure out.

zenyatta would be a cool fit for Jesus. ooo, or mercy, but that’s kinda weird with the bender gending

cause it’d be funny

Oh no we don’t, remember that one time? We got stuck on that rollercoaster and were laughin’ and laughin..... <_<;;

Wow you’re stupid, buddy.

Ignore that other guy, it was pretty clear what you meant and I agree. Well said, fam.

Super Meat Boy wraps itself in its difficulty and loves it. The only difference between this game and SMB in that sense is that this game has a whiny millennial telling you it was mean to her.

Oh please, grow some thicker skin. How on earth was the game asking if you were sure you wanted to change the difficulty an insult?

So how much is Disney paying you to keep shilling for their uninspired Marvel films?

I did, he does a bunch of Chun-li esque kicks in an obvious homage to a character that’s been around for decades. This happens all the time, in every medium imaginable.

Damn, I’m disappointing in you two. Usually you guys are rational and thoughtful, this is just a whole lotta hatred for no reason.

I thought it was great. I dunno why everyone’s in such a bad mood today. <_<;;

This is a circle-jerk of hatred. They’re not even being rational. This is as close to foaming at the mouth you can get with a keyboard.

Plagiarism? Look up “homage”.

Played this last night with a bunch of friends, it’s a blast. Nova is so OP, hue hue hue.

Dude what? Capcom hasn’t made a powerstone game in like 15 years, why would you be mad at Disney for reviving this?