
I am too. It's covering up my ability to post a new comment thread. I can only reply to other comments.

In other words, my favorite one.


Not bad. Read the 3rd Magicians book, got out jogging twice, all the while procrastinating far too much from all the yard work and housework I should be keeping up with.

Thanks. I saw that kicking around on FB and thought it was bogus.

Oh puhleeze, liked he actually walked off the course. You know he drove off the course in a cart.

We have a bunch of Tim Hortonses around town. Then again, western NY sorta counts as southern Ontario, anyway.

Oh, Helena isn't going to let her get away with killing Gracie. I don't care how pregnant she is.

Ooh, one of those old Earth iPods!

Felix's speech alone was worth a higher grade than a B. And I loved the whole clone swap concept for the party. Logistically, it gave all 3 of them a chance to enjoy the party, and it was really effective from an art show standpoint.

Enjoy! What instruments?
I don't think I've done Brahms 2. One of my orchestras did Brahms 3 back in May.

You'd think by now he would've changed his name to Middle Aged Rock.

I tried to do that with Trump about a year and a half ago. It didn't work out.

"Whoever wins, we lose" — wasn't that the tagline? Seems fitting.

Also, a lot of bankruptcy, only this time it's limited to the moral kind.

He has us all in a Downward Spiral these days.

Also, fuck cancer. A friend who I worked with and who was on my bowling team died from cancer last week. He was 62.

- Eh, doing alright, I suppose. It's softball day (followed by beer & wings), so there's that.
- I recently read the first 2 Magicians books (borrowed from my parents, who borrowed from my brother), and I now have the 3rd one. This weekend is pretty light for me, so I'll probably read that this weekend.
- Can't think

/starts to wave, realizes psib was referring to beautiful people, puts hand down

Happy birthday. I just watched your clone helping the Sontaran army this morning on BBCA before I left for work.