
I thought you squirrels hibernated for 3 months in the winter.

"I wish none of this had happened."
"So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide."

Sorry, this is abuse.

A classic rock station in town did that for a full 24 hours a long time ago before switching over to a new station (new call letters, new non-classic rock format).

A friend IMed me Monday afternoon to ask if I had tried some particular brand of grapefruit shandy. I hadn't, but I was planning on a Wegmans trip on the way home from work. They had it in the individual bottles section, so I grabbed one.

Two things?

I think "Games of our Lives" was what initially brought me over to AVC (I followed wwdn regularly back then). Those reviews were fun.

This is why I type all my smileys left-handed. That way, they aren't converted into graphical emojis. (-:

The item is special delivery, meaning it will take up to 10 days for you to get Steve Bannon in your hands, which is actually plenty of time to change your mind.

It can be 2 things?

Psssh, it's just a giant egg that will hatch in about 50 years.

Did anyone see that movie Tron?

Will they allow comments on Savage Love articles under Kinja? Because I can't see that ending well.

Are we? The switchover sounded like it was happening right around when RD posts, so I wasn't sure if it would hit under Disqus or under Kinja.

You've been pitching that all day.

This reads like it was written by a dog.

Maybe now he'll develop mathematical superpowers, find god through numerology, and take a power drill to his skull.

Oh Danny boy, the pipes the pipes are calling…

That would be a pretty good gimmick screen name.