
I want to know how the Night King can coordinate his minions to make or find those heavy duty chains and use them to pull a dragon out of a frozen lake, but can't get them to board ships to take them around the wall.

It's not often that I'm reminded of l'Hopital's Rule, so thanks for this thread.

Are you sure it wasn't covfefe?

I'm quite fond of Sense8, though I've admittedly not watched too many originals on Netflix (thinking quickly… Stranger Things, Jessica Jones, Daredevil S1, 13 Reasons Why, The OA)

RIP Pearl

That's not the kind of place to raise your kids.


Hey, until this weekend, I had Orphan Black to watch on Saturday night. Now I have H&CF. Don't knock Saturdays (DVRs help, too).

Well, sure, neither did I. But you know what I mean.

I watched 13 Reasons Why over the weekend. It was… okay, I guess? Not sure exactly why a lot of people really loved it. I thought was premise itself was pretty shaky.
It has had an effect on my reaction to Lord Huron's The Night We Met, which I had heard a bunch of times and really liked (I'm a sucker for mixed

I'd say it increases the likelihood that I'll have to go, but it doesn't always make me have to go.

Had a glass or 2 of Iron Smoke whiskey over the weekend. It's made locally, and one of the guys involved in the distilling is my cousin. I thought it was pretty decent, not that I'm much of a whiskey expert.

Last Thursday's concert went well. Not flawless, but on the whole pretty solid. Now I'm done with orchestras until after Labor Day when my 2 regular orchestras start back up after summer break.
One of the pieces we did was composed recently by a retired music teacher in the area (the ensemble is primarily made up of

I don't know if you watched the Fox News clip yesterday evening that had Charles Krauthammer. He basically said just what you did, and the host of the show kept arguing that Trump's Monday statement was the one that mattered. She kept arguing with him over his accurate call that Trump read yesterday's statement like

Yeah, but I mean have you seen what 14 year olds are wearing these days? Clearly both sides are to blame here.

He has basically revealed himself to be a Nazi sympathizer.

Have a nice summer.

Yes, yes, yes to that second paragraph. It was devastating seeing Mrs. S in flashbacks in the finale, but so fitting as well.

So I know we're doing all these Tatiana Maslany shout outs, and rightly so. But we should also recognize (and to their credit, they put her right up front under "Guest Starring" in the finale end credits) Kathryn Alexandre, who played Tatiana's acting double throughout the series. Every scene that had multiple

They showed that clip as the episode was ending.