
He SAID that, but he voted in favor of not only the motion to proceed, but the BCRA that failed 43-57.

I'd like to congratulate Sen McCain on a successful surgery and return so that he could cast the deciding vote to send us down the path where tens of millions of Americans will no longer be able to afford the same surgery he just got. Bravo, fuckwad.

51-2. Bigly margin.
(Dem votes don't count).

It was the same guy playing the same blues song. It took 20 years to finish.

Holy hell, you're supporting stuff made 30+ years ago?

/Opens desk drawer in cubicle, sees handful of 3.5" floppies from 15 years ago, closes drawer

Oh, sure, that's just what a super villain would say.

Who was shown hanging off the bow of the ship at the end of the episode? I couldn't tell if it was one of the Sand Snakes or if it was Yara. Is there any reason Euron would've wanted Yara captured and not dead? Ellaria, obviously, is the present Euron promised Cersei, but I can't imagine why Cersei would care one

John Bradley gives Chelsea a crash course on… incest

I don't think anyone killed Ira. I think his glitching killed him (reminded me of the scene in the earlier season when the Castor clone was fighting Helena).

Yeah, eek @ that visual. Reminded me of the end of Pi.

Ugggh. They did that with Doctor Who episodes, too

I don't know the Zuko reference. But it's interesting — I never thought Rachel would turn on Neolution until the scene in last week's episode when Mrs. S pleaded with her that she'll need them at some point. After that scene, I figured it was a foregone conclusion that she would help them out at some point before

I've heard that percussion ensemble piece performed before (it starts about 40 seconds into the video). It's Music for Pieces of Wood by Steve Reich.

It's a shame that Wikileaks never got a unicorn, either.

Oboes played well are awesome.

I haven't been trying for years. What's your secret?

Hello Wisconsin!
(so many That 70's Show reruns on IFC…)


My closest percussion friend moved to Indiana today (along with his wife & 14-month-old). He's starting a PhD program there in the fall. So it's a hooray for him & them for starting a new chapter.
For me, though, it's sad. I've blathered on here a bunch about the various concerts I have for the various ensembles I