
I mean, if you wanted to start a sorbet corner thread, no one's stopping you.

Yes, please.

Did you get it off a hair dryer?

I think you have too much faith in current Trump supporters. I'm pretty sure they'll just keep blaming Obama and Hillary and FAKE NEWS!

Right. He recognized the house - that's why he didn't want their party to go inside.

There's an all-kazoo version of Ravel's Bolero out there on the youtubes. You should check it out - it's hilarious. I can't youtube from the work PC, but I'm sure all you need to do is search bolero kazoo to find it.

I found her two-faced attitude a little off-putting.

Or he could do what's right for his constituents regardless of how it impacts his re-election chanc-HAHAHAHAHA oh who am I kidding?

I'm completely caught up on everything on my DVR (it's not empty because I've kept the last season of Doctor Who and Orphan Black so I can rewatch later).
Last thing I caught up on was the 1st 4 episodes of Preacher this season. That show is totally bonkers and a lot of fun this season.
I also watched Handmaid's Tale

My thought was it's not the rape, but that it's a video of Trish having consensual sex. Something the pair of kids got off Trish's husband's computer.

I have no idea if you're talking about huckabee-sanders or conway

Interrobang or gtfo

Not in here, mister, this is a Mercedes

Original series or new series?

I hate Monopoly pieces. They're coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere.

Ooh, whereabouts? I grew up between Rochester & Syracuse, in a town of less than 2000.

I had a HS classmate post something just like that on FB this morning. Quoted in all its glory:

MAGA: Make Attorneys Get Attorneys

Has it failed hard, though? They had to know this would be the states' reaction, in fact most states are legally bound not to give up the information that was asked.

If not a bigger threat to the country, at least a bigger threat to all their plans to give massive tax cuts to people who don't need them.