
We have the best fires. 100% clean coal Trump fires.

You should also binge The 100.

Seriously, wtf? I'm sure they had deeply held beliefs that stated they could keep these artifacts. That's all that's required these days.

There are often Doctor Who marathons on BBC America.


It stopped working for me on Firefox at work a while back, but it still works on Chrome (though new comments only show up when I refresh the page).

I picked up a 6-pack of New Belgium Citradelic tangerine IPA to bring to the BBQ I went to on Monday. People must've enjoyed it, because I only got to drink 3 of the bottles myself!
Actually, I saw the folks who grabbed them and asked how they liked it, and they all said they did like it, so it's all good.

Well, shit.

I've been letting the FtWD episodes accumulate on my DVR. I haven't decided to watch it or kill it yet, but I'm leaning towards kill.

I took Monday off. We have summer hours (10 hour days M-R w/ Fridays off) in July/August, but I opted to take Monday off and work Friday this week instead.

Too late, Brownback beat you to it.

Hooray fixed-width font!

Try not to h8
Love your m8
Don't suffoc8 on your own h8
Design8 your love as f8
A one world st8
As human fr8
The number 8
A white black st8
A gentle tr8
The broken cr8
A heavy w8
Or just too l8
Like pretty K8 has sex orn8
Now devast8
The truth dil8
Special d8
The animal we 8

Until afterward when everyone comes to comment on the GoT episode review.


Eh, I like II better. VI is my second favorite.

It was his deeply held beliefs! You can't argue with that.

You could just blame your eye infection for not seeing the FTS thread.

I had to open this on my phone since IS blocks Twitter on my office PC. No, I was not prepared for that either.

Ahoy hoy