
Sure beats the 27th consecutive Trump Week.

This is not my beautiful pun thread!

Jury nullification FTW

Let me tell you about the history of the Wegman family.

I was at the bar last night with 3 softball teammates, all Trump supporters who are happy with how things have gone since he took office. I pretty much lost my shit.

When I grow up, I wanna go to bovine university!

Oh yeah, good one!

I haven't really heard a whole lot of musical comedy. I suppose I'll go with Garfunkel and Oates.

He ran the length of Spaceball 1, so he certainly gets more exercise than Trump.

/add blazing saddles quote here

I already have the Average Joe's uniform - I was Steve the Pirate for halloween a couple years ago.

You know, I don't own the original Star Wars trilogy. I watched the movies so much growing up that I could recite most of it, and so I never felt compelled to own it myself years (decades) later. Maybe for $30 I should go ahead and get them.

Yes, he was obviously just a disturbed individual, and no larger point can possibly be made about gun violence.

Didn't see one already, so why not: Gardening Thread
I bought a house last fall (kinda big for just me, but whatever, I can afford it). The previous owners were very serious gardeners, with a bunch of flowers / landscaping in the front, and herbs and vegetables in the back. I pulled up the stakes on their vertical

Pens win - woohoo!

irresistible force / immovable object sort of thing, right?

A couple nights ago, I had a Lagunitas Born Again Yesterday IPA. It was fantastic, on the very piney end of the IPA spectrum. I wish I had gotten a whole 6-pack of it instead of just a single bottle.

I haven't weighed myself in a long while. It's probably for the best. I'm 5'9" and hopefully still under 200 (typically fluctuate between 180 and 190). I'd be happy to give around 20 pounds to psib.

Read the 1st Magicians book this past week. I liked it alright. I've been watching the show, so it's interesting to see what things they kept and what they changed. My parents bought the 3 books, and my dad might still be reading the 2nd so I'll get to it when he's done.

Yeah, she took the pictures & setup the tumblr page, but she gave reasons why. Maybe those reasons are BS, or maybe she decided to sell the shirts as revenge for getting dumped. But it seemed plausible to me that someone else saw her tumblr page & made the snarky shirts to profit off it.