
Is there any evidence that she's the one selling the t-shirts?

I turned 40 a few months ago. I didn't do anything special. It was a Wednesday, and I had my bowling league, so I'm sure it came up in conversation there.

You heard it here: Dikachu gets all his coke from Mexico.

Phew, for a minute there I thought it was my own fault that I'm overweight and out of shape.

But will he be in the final Orphan Black season?

We've made a cardinal mistake.

Yes, watch Fringe. That goes for everyone.

Uh, Galaxy Quest?

I hate watermelon.
I love fried chicken, though.

This turn from Katy really came at me like a dark horse.

FUCK! Even in the future nothing works!

Keep bidding, assholes!

I knew it, I'm surrounded by assholes.

Quack quack quack quack

It was commentary on the sorry state of What's On Tonight?

My foolproof system for not being one of these top replies continues to work just fine.
Step 1: Don't have a Twitter account


Don't worry, they don't do much of that anymore.

Don't you know that Trump's toxic?

I can't wait to see what those Russian hackers will tackle next.