
I've never seen AI, but I wholeheartedly agree with all the love for Minority Report.

No sir, I don't like it.

What is this "summer vacation" you speak of?

Lubrication. Is. Key.

Yeah, the balance is fantastic on this one. The hibiscus doesn't overwhelm, but it's present enough to mellow out the hops.

There are students in the college orchestra / wind symphony groups that I play in who are less than half my age.

What was that thing in your mouth?

I can be sociable without getting stupidly drunk and wake up the next morning feeling OK.

I highly recommend the Troegs Crimson Pistil IPA. It's delightful.

You can call it "Damnit, Barry!"

The commenters give it a lot of F's, but they've been doing that all season. I assumed it was just a response to Alasdair's unusually high grades.

I think if the whole hour was Quill-Tanya's training session, it would've been a better episode.

Nice campaign office, would be a shame if something happened to it

It totally worked, too. He got the media to talk for 2 days straight about "Will they or won't they." In that time they were ignoring Russia and ignoring all the ethics waivers being granted to his inner circle.

Buffy's my answer as well. I watched it all a year or 2 ago (Angel, too).

Yeah, CW worked a deal with Netflix where most of their shows' seasons go up like a week after the finale airs.

I pretty much get all my shoes from the Reebok outlet near me.

"His name's not Warren?"
"I thought his name was Warren."

Maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my wonderfalls

I wear a 14. I have really flat feet, and about half the running shoes I try on are really uncomfortable in the arches.